ask teasack

dumb dogs are pretty funny. They just go about their normal day being so happy and I just love it.

and you can pretend something exciting happened and dogs will get excited with you. i luv it.
how do you have such amazing icons. i swear everytime you change your avatar it's even better than the one you had last. ahh
how do you have such amazing icons. i swear everytime you change your avatar it's even better than the one you had last. ahh

i'm incredibly picky. and i have good taste B') thank you sweetheart.

What are some of your favourite things in the world? :O

my dog.
music i can listen to.
being able to experience what i have gone through in the past, and learning from it for the future.
the people i can genuinely call friends and family.
how does one become more than acquaintaces with the all-mighty teasack?
ajsjhs she sounds so cute :D

sorry they big. oops. this is tsubaki.



the black dog in the back is my bf's dog, shadow.
can I have ur dog?

what are you going to do with her.

i'm telling you she's really really ****ing dumb. like, it's hilarious.
and she can't sleep like a normal dog either, wait let me show you.
this isn't a dog, idk what i bought but she ain't a dog.