Ask the person below you what you think you're known for on TBT !

I don't know if this is what you fee like you should be known for, but I usually catch you on the happy thread commenting about the different types of vehicles you spot on your daily routines. So to me that is what often stands out the most. Your passion for all things car related.

Which is a good thing! Knowing your way around a car is a very handy trait and can save you a lot of time and money when something goes wrong.
I honestly don't think this is really what you're known for, but this is what sticks to my memory the most. That even though you were upset that you couldn't get your dream house that you were still able to get the very same dream house with some patience and determination.

Sometimes good things come to those who wait. I know I said it before, but congrats on that again. It's a very great thing to have something nice like that that is your own.
Being logical, easy to talk too, all around cool person. Because Ive seen some of ypur posts, and they're all teally thought out, and you seem to know your stuff too.

Well, also for having a cute Kiki picture
For having several usernames that all mostly have a green aesthetic and being a nice person around the forum.
You always seem to have some sort of blue aesthetic whether it'd be in your signature, collectible lineup, or profile picture. Oh, and being a fellow Poliwag member of Camp TBT from last year of course!