Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

wow been here for like 6304957034 years and never even knew go me WOOOOO

ty thunder
Is my signature an okay size? It fits the pixel requirements, but I was having trouble with it earlier, so I want to make sure it's not violating something else.
Is my signature an okay size? It fits the pixel requirements, but I was having trouble with it earlier, so I want to make sure it's not violating something else.

Yes, it's fine as it is. :) Just don't make it any larger.
how do you put on villager proof to say you have a villager moving

update your signature by choosing "settings" in the top of this page (near your profile page), then "edit signature"

Just write your dreamies there
how do you put on villager proof to say you have a villager moving

unless you are asking how to prove that one of the villagers leaving your town is actually leaving??
(idk wording is weird)

usually people just say that they're leaving, but if they want prove it, usually they just type their username or something, and take a picture with it sent.
This isn't really a question, it's more of a suggestion. How about an official Katie thread in the AC:NL Online section of the forum?
Are you guys cat people, dog people or sloth people? (Which is your preferred pet)?
Who is the sexiest mod? I think Jubs but that is just my opinion.
how can i join the mlp group :p
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Are the egg collectables regiftable? O:


A lot of people don't really understand how we do some of our items. Some of them serve a purpose, mainly the ones we have during events. Eggs and Bunny Foils aren't giftable because they were part of last year's egg hunt. The eggs weren't meant to be collectibles, just items you found during the event. If you found all of the eggs you got a Bunny Foil(essentially a trophy).