Here is my dictation from what Jamie said in Mumble.
What you did wrong was that you're acting out against the moderators and generally being spammy in this thread. We don't want anymore spam than necessary, but your contributions are a little to none. Post quality and inappropriate behavior are against the rules, as much as you'd like to think that they're not or that they don't apply to you. I'm really getting fed up with your attitude and all of us on the TBT staff are continuously tired of telling you to stop.
I shouldn't have to take time out of my day to watch over you like a babysitter. Nor should I have to get dictation for how you're breaking the rules.
As I said before, if you continue on this path, we are not simply going to overlook it anymore.
You really don't have to say anything here, as this is a moderator issue. I would prefer it that you didn't get involved, so you don't end up with an accidental warning.
Permanent bans are extremely rare. We only give them out when the person is beyond redemption. We usually keep extending the ban until the person understands, or we get tired of banning people. And tell your friend to stop being rude