I actually would need to disagree with this. I offered my spare Togepi egg to someone and they never responded so I offered it to another and they both responded. I felt bad so I gave the other person my egg. Me being a sad potato, my boyfriend joined just to give me his egg even though he hates forums, haha. Don't get me wrong, he posted like twice and lurks now. :> My point is, he gave me the egg right after making his account and getting enough eggs for the Togepi egg. The mp3 one drove him crazy, haha.
I think to save the mods/admins grief from misunderstandings, they should require some form of proof like Lassy has to validate it so they don't need to sift through all the new people and fake accounts from event period. As unfair as that is, it should be fair to people like me and my boyfriend, people with siblings and one computer, roommates with one computer, etc.