Ask The Staff: Non site-related questions!

Can we please do something about the annoying poop discussion in IRC?


how come no one sends me back a wifi notification

Maybe they just don't feel like it? Request a read receipt. It'll let them know that they saw you Wifi Rated them. There's really nothing you can do.

I bought the User Title color change but I can't seem to configure it...

What seems to be the problem? The typical way to configure a User Title color change is to follow the following

Shop > Inventory > User Title Color Change > Configure > Enter the color code using Hexadecimal, with the # included, I think.
Random new member: How do I make a signature?
Oath: Welcome to the forums.
Can you change the ;) smiley please idk why it has to show teeth it looks really ugly and pervy and the wink face is not the same if you use (; or ; )

Pls get rid of it it's so ugly
Would it be possible for the Staff to tell people to mind their own freaking business about what someone wants to buy or sell something for???? If you're not buying it or selling it....don't post. This can be linked to that clique thread BTW. Now people aren't gonna sell because of a few jerks running good people off.

Have a (cough) wonderful weekend everyone.
Would it be possible for the Staff to tell people to mind their own freaking business about what someone wants to buy or sell something for???? If you're not buying it or selling it....don't post. This can be linked to that clique thread BTW. Now people aren't gonna sell because of a few jerks running good people off.

Have a (cough) wonderful weekend everyone.

Honestly, this goes under Rude Behavior. If you're not interested in what the person is buying or selling or just going to tell them how they should do it, don't post. This also includes telling people the person has it overpriced (or implying it). Anyone seen doing this should be reported
Would it be possible for the Staff to tell people to mind their own freaking business about what someone wants to buy or sell something for???? If you're not buying it or selling it....don't post. This can be linked to that clique thread BTW. Now people aren't gonna sell because of a few jerks running good people off.

Have a (cough) wonderful weekend everyone.

Unfortunately a LOT of people do this. You may have seen that we frequently have to post that if people aren't interested, that they shouldn't post. Posting over and over this mini warning has not stopped people from declaring their dislike for prices set by the op so we are now giving real warnings for it. Everyone is entitled to set the price for their items and villagers to whatever they want. So if you find a thread with very expensive goods and you don't want to buy from them, don't post. Find a new place to shop :)
What is the weirdest PM you've received? (;

I know I'm not staff, but I really had to answer this!!! A while ago I received a pm from someone proposing to me, asking them if I'd marry them. That's my weirdest pm I think, although there are a few.
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Someone sent me a very nice message and I want to reply to them but when I do it says they have chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Is there any other way to contact them?
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Mario Kart 8 in 1 week how fast is your hype train going.



Does the staff get tired of all this "dictatorship" crap I see everywhere lately?

It's gotten to the point where we laugh at the fact that the people that say it think it's still funny.
Who out of the confirmed characters doesn't deserve to be in Super Smash Bros. 4?