Prof Gallows
Retired Staff
what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
My new favorite is this stuff.
what is your favorite alcoholic beverage?
I had a shot of that at my sister's apartment. Tasted like cough syrup at first. The aftertaste was great though.My new favorite is this stuff.
What is the staff trying to pull with these name changes.
What is the staff trying to pull with these name changes.
What have you done this isn't april fools
so when you become a mod you get a large avatar?
Do these questions need to be related to belltreeforums or can I ask medical questions too?
Do these questions need to be related to belltreeforums or can I ask medical questions too?
Contrary to popular belief, I am not actually a doctor.
What would the staff do if somebody joined and took their username without knowing? Or if somebody changed their name to one of them?