Well what I meant was if you wanted HTML to embed something like Soundcloud, I can make custom BBCodes for that so they can be used safely.
YES, YES, YES. I didn't think it was possible.
Well what I meant was if you wanted HTML to embed something like Soundcloud, I can make custom BBCodes for that so they can be used safely.
How do you create a poll?
When you go to create a thread, there is an option lower down that says, "Post Poll" and it'll have a check box. Check that and it'll give you all of the things you need to put into the poll you're making.
No i meant the part where threads are listed. I know why i just noticed it. Its cause i switched the lighting on my PC and just noticed it has a slight shade. ^-^; my bad.
But if there were flying slugs, umbrellas would have another purpose.
It's a toss up.