Well PapaNer has been missing, so we will wait a little longer and then if he doesn't show up we will have to take it over. But like I mentioned in the other thread, both the home design contest and the storyboard contest are being delayed.
Just a suggestion; maybe have a "Dream Address" spot to put in your profile under your 3DS code so that people can see it under your avi when you make posts, like the 3DS code?
Just a suggestion, don't know if it's a good one ^^
Could you guys add in a section in our profiles for Dream Addresses?
Yes, I was planing on it.
How do you write and post a blog? I have tried to write a blog but can't seem to figure out how?
Is there a way to change your birthday? I have no idea why it's so messed up........It says I was born last year when that's obviously not possible since I've had this account since 2009.....
Is there a way to change your birthday? I have no idea why it's so messed up........It says I was born last year when that's obviously not possible since I've had this account since 2009.....
Go to your settings and edit your Profile.
I've seen people post designs inspired by television shows and other copy written material. Before I create a tumblr for the sake of uploading photos and sharing designs, I have to ask: is that permissible? Both by the rules of this site and those of Nintendo (the latter being relevant at least because I see that all images uploaded through the process detailed here will be hashtagged to them)?
I don't want to give examples and get others in trouble, and also do not wish to get myself into trouble. Please let me know! If the designs are dictated as being Fair Use, as no real world currencies are involved, that would make sense, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I am eager to get involved in this community. C:
I created this thread and then realized my question could have // should have gone here ... And so: