Wow... If that was aimed at me, I would have took it as a threat...
I really don't take kindly to threats from people that aren't actually "in charge" of me...
You have to have a VERY valid reason to ban people otherwise it is not fair OR right...
Why can't we ask stupid questions?
I have all of the American releases, plus Dobutsu no Mori e+.
Staff: You guys own all the Animal Crossing games you could get?
In regards to my contest I posted it in the museum area but not many people are seeing it. Should I move it to new leaf or will it get moved straight back? Or should I just wait it out?
When's the Spanish board coming?
This was confirmed?
I hope we get one. I need somewhere to practice.
maybe i am just an idiot, but why does it say this member has 0 posts when clearly they dont?