Assassin's project


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Well right now at my dorm we are doing this for prizes, basically you try to "assassinate" your target by breaking an egg filled with confetti on their head, (outside only buildings are safe zones), when you get your target they give you their egg and target, and you continue until someone is the last one left.

I haven't seen my target today yet, but I am on a weird schedule, I wake up at ten for one, but that makes it easier to avoid whoever is trying to assassinate me. anyway only six people have been assassinated so far and it looks like at least a hundred signed up, so wish me luck!
Yeah Darth is right, I still spelled assassinate right though, Where did I get that extra a from...

anyway, I wasn't able to get my guy today, but apparently some of my friends say that the person trying to get me is rather into it, they don't know his name, but he was asking where I was. That is where I succeed, I let very few know where I go.

Tonight was karate grading. I am now a colored belt, blue to be exact, and my fist hurts from breaking a board, there was a big knot right down the center, so it split off center cutting my hand a little...kinda annoying it hurts more now than it did then. I went to their party for grading after ward which is why I am back too late, no man was waiting back at my dorm which is good.

It appears that many people wait in the lobby of my dorm for their target now, with any luck I can put a face to my assassin tomorrow, they couldn't describe him beyond brown hair and a almost goatee... anyway I am hard to find, :evillaugh: