Blix: We believe in tarot and divination because in our experience we've done it and its been extremely accurate. We actually didn't really believe in it for awhile, but we decided to try and sure enough it just... worked you know? Like it's hard to talk about though without sounding crazy, but that might be because we were raised to agressively deny this stuff haha
For astrology I think our system's opinions are kind of mixed, it's really hard to get behind "birth determining personality" when you're a system with different personalities. Though we calculated it and we're Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, and Taurus rising (or Gemini? I can't remember which it was...).
For astrology I think our system's opinions are kind of mixed, it's really hard to get behind "birth determining personality" when you're a system with different personalities. Though we calculated it and we're Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, and Taurus rising (or Gemini? I can't remember which it was...).