
Do you believe in Tarot?

  • I believe in it!

    Votes: 27 35.5%
  • I don't believe in it.

    Votes: 32 42.1%
  • I don't care/don't have any opinion.

    Votes: 17 22.4%

  • Total voters
Blix: We believe in tarot and divination because in our experience we've done it and its been extremely accurate. We actually didn't really believe in it for awhile, but we decided to try and sure enough it just... worked you know? Like it's hard to talk about though without sounding crazy, but that might be because we were raised to agressively deny this stuff haha

For astrology I think our system's opinions are kind of mixed, it's really hard to get behind "birth determining personality" when you're a system with different personalities. Though we calculated it and we're Aries sun, Sagittarius moon, and Taurus rising (or Gemini? I can't remember which it was...).
I believe in Astrology but I am not officially sold on tarot.
I'm not saying tarot is make believe, as I do believe that it can be beneficial and offer massive insight if done correctly by someone who genuinely is well versed and/or possesses the gift, but I don't feel there's many people out there that have the channeling capacity for it. It's incredibly draining, time consuming, and if you're one of the gifted people who are able to step foot in the spiritual realm of things there's other more pressing pursuits than taking commissions to read peoples' cards.

As for Astrology, here's my stats because I'm obsessive and egotistical (thanks, Leo Sun and Scorpio Mars)

Leo Sun 7th House
Capricorn Rising
Capricorn Moon 12th House
Virgo Mercury 8th House
Virgo Venus 8th House
Scorpio Mars 9th House
Aquarius Jupiter 1st House
Aries Saturn 2nd House
Aquarius Uranus 1st House
Capricorn Neptune 1st House
Sagittarius Pluto 10th House
Libra Chiron 9th House
Virgo Black moon 8th House
Virgo North 8th House
Gemini Fortune 4th House
Vertex Leo 7th House
Midheaven Scorpio

I don't wanna go into the conjunctions, squaring, quincunx, etc as if there's an astrologer on here they'll know all about me and my Scorpio Mars ain't gonna let that fly.
I don’t believe in Astrology and the zodiacs, but I do think it’s fun to read about them though. Same thing for Tarot. I just think they’re fascinating but I don’t think they’re real.

Also I have done natal chart readings and it’s sorta 50/50 for me tbh.
I mean I don't NOT believe in it but I also don't know anything about it except for that I'm an Aries
I don't believe in astrology/tarot, or any of that kind of spiritual stuff. But it's fun to pretend, I like reading my horoscopes and making my husband cringe. I also love a lot of the aesthetics, like tarot art and ouija boards. I'd love to design my own tarot deck one day.
I personally don't believe in them. I'm not sure as to how the month or year that you were born can determine your personality, particularly when there must be millions of people out there with the same designation, but they must all have vastly different life experiences and traits than yourself.

If you think that it gives meaning to your life though, all the power to you! I just think that it can be a bit harmful if you dwell on interpreting it too much and believe that it completely dictates or controls every aspect of your life.
I don’t believe in it, I feel a lot of readings are written in an incredibly general way that apply to most people. In terms of general spirituality, I do believe there are things that simply cannot be explained or fully understood, though. That being said, I think these things are outside of our understanding and can’t be “read” so to speak.
However, I think astrology and tarot cards can be fun, but I see them on the same level as magic tricks.

I just took one of those astrology quiz things, and like all of my signs and stuff directly contradict themselves lol. Some I can see, but a lot is super off. It pretty much supports my theory that astrology and tarot throw everything at the wall and sees what sticks.
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I have no idea who in their right mind would believe in stuff like that. Believe in science and hard facts, people. There's nothing else.