At this time I formally accuse Canttouchthis04 of using a cheating program in some of the arcade games, what, with his impossible scores.
For example. No human memory can count however many beeps at 1k+ Simon says, and probably at a lesser number then that. And, he got 1.79769313486232e+308 in bug buster, witch means he scored impossibly high, making the score glitch up.
and how in the world is it possable to score 999999999 at frogger?!?!?!?!?
and he got a glitched score agein, this time in megaman with the score of 1e+130!
I am accusing you Canttouchthis04 of cheating in the arcade!
For example. No human memory can count however many beeps at 1k+ Simon says, and probably at a lesser number then that. And, he got 1.79769313486232e+308 in bug buster, witch means he scored impossibly high, making the score glitch up.
and how in the world is it possable to score 999999999 at frogger?!?!?!?!?
and he got a glitched score agein, this time in megaman with the score of 1e+130!
I am accusing you Canttouchthis04 of cheating in the arcade!