
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


We got K.K to the Island~ Yay! I'm sure Tom Nook is pleased. Its a shame the Sable sisters didn't come to watch.
I'm sure they can hear his song all the way from Town Hall~

Random videos I tried doing to make the moment better. I'm glad everyone is liking the songs~

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Daisy found the piano I placed near the airport, and is playing it~! How cute, I love when they play instruments.

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Careful now Nan, you're talking to a fanfic writer; who is extremely interested in making this fanfic a reality for you.
As someone who works in a coffee-deli shop; I should be able to write this properly. I am super over joyed knowing Nan is someone I can come to when it comes to fanfics. That blush~!! 💓
*Writes this down into my animal crossing fanfic ideas*

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Got the cute mermaid dress from Pascal~ It's so pretty!!
And yes, I was practicing using the face paint. It looks super cute!

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Oops, I used the wrong emotion, and it looks like the princess is ready to fight their unicorn friend! I'd watch that.
Julian just watching me, like 'what is she doing?'

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I made a lil instrument; weather or not the noise is annoying, I'll still play it non-stop.

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He's back~
The puns are quack
Nan is so slack.

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Before I figured out the right way to dive for fast creatures, I can assure you I did my absolute best to grab this darn thing.
Quick, throw it to Blathers!

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I now sit with Daisy~ :love: Let the sitting pictures commence~!

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I find this image so cute, I'm crafting and here's Daisy checking out my Koi fish.

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I left out the mic, and Julian is now singing~!

Here's the video of him singing:


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~Happy Birthday to the Best Gal Ever~!!!!!!


I wish I took more photos, but like don't worry. I always make sure I get them a nice pressie each time!


I dunno Dizzy, being Vesper Jr isn't what it's cracked up to be. Take it from the original Vesper.



I found Tom Nook and Isabelle stretching, and decided to join in. We need more group stretching at work~



Love when you can try them all out before buying; but the best part is getting to pose, make you feel good before buying XD But yeah, I remember some annoyance when it comes to buying clothing.


Loving these new clothes~ not enough to buy that tiaria but hey, dreams are dreams~!


Having a rest at the lil waterfall. I love making waterfalls, and hope to make some lovely ones in the future!! I also plan to have a bridge over the small river above to make it more pretty!


Such a lovely sunset~ Added some nice furniture items for their house. I wish I remember whose house it is.


Swam over to see Pascal. We exchanged scallops for very nice quotes I can live by.


Look out, Gulliver's washed up again. Where's Shrunk when you need those really bad puns.
W-wait a minute, they always mention puns when they're on the beach, did they steal the puns from Shrunk?


Not the first thing I think of when I walk through rain, but now it's a gurantee thing stuck in my mind. Thanks Hugh.
We love a creative thinker on the Island.


I still love how they say goodbye to you when you leave, the lil' wave ❤️


Oh boy, Sable giving us the emotional past story!



I love how Sable was quite shy and introverted to talk to you at first, and then you have such lovely dialogue and conversations after a while. She definitely deserves all the best.

We are gifted more back story from Sable~






It's so sweet how they're able to talk so humble about this. And I'm glad it takes a while of trust from Sable to be comfortable to tell you about this.
It's amazing how sisters like these can still connect and build their family after losing their parents, and I'm glad animal crossing has never removed this story, it's good for all ages to see how after something terrible; they can still come together again.

Also, loving Dizzy being in the background, completely in their own thoughts to realise the story we're conversating about. XD Love him so much~


Needed a lil time to relfect on what I found out about the sisters, and went to listen to some lovely music.


Snooty taking a break and enjoying the refreshing dark night.



I love taking pictures of the night sky~! Or any sky for that matter, so expect that a lot in these images. It looks so calming, and relaxing.


It looks so pretty in the night~
I dunno why, but usually I always swim for creatures at night. Which doesn't always make it easy, but interesting!





Thank you for that Daisy XD Very lovely story. Please write more horror, I can imagine you doing well in that sector.
I wonder what other stories other people get for the fearful reaction~


Welp, you got me there Pascal. You're right, they never do.
I wonder if anyone has a unique to taste to other stuff on pizza, but due to the amount of rage with pineapple, they never mention it.


I caught me a string bean~!


I like to call this a sea hairball~!


Okay, this is where my fun truly begins.
My friend here, Cykun, has only tried animal crossing on the wii a while back, but back then I think he told me he didn't really know how to play it, so other than that he'e never really owned another animal crossing game.
Around the time I got my game, i expressed my obession with the game, and we both like similar games; so he was definitely tempted to try it out~!

And well, here he is~! Do expect to see some silleness but that's always the best part to explore the Islands with your friends. Most of the time we did play we did it face to face, or when facetiming, hence why I may not have any images or videos of us talking ingame.



The best shocked reactions when you're bumping into each other on the swing~


Of course, I had to show him my pretty much empty musuem. This is still the best layout of any musuem we've had (second place for new leaf).


Both of us enjoying some nice tunes in the frenzied rain~


Literally looks like he woke up from a nightmare XD Ah, this room, not really sure what to do with some of the rooms, and this is one of them, so for a while, it just had some of my belongings on tables and such.


The main bedroom, which is the back room~ Still is now actually!
Just a very different layout.



The bumping effect is so fun. They're so useful for memes haha


Hmm, this is maybe his tent? We went back and forth to each others Islands.
Ah yus, stopping your friend from getting up~ Don't worry there, just go to sleep and I'll watch over you XD


After Cykun left, I went back for more camp songs, and had a lot of villagers enjoying it also. Wish we could get a full crowd, I'm sure K.K would be happy.
It's a shame you can't ask villagers to join you to listen to K.K sing. Or to follow you around. We can't even ask for a hug from them, how cute would that be~?! My bad, all my ideas popping out.


Speaking of memes, what a perfect picture to use for an empty template.
If anyone wants to use it for text memes, go ahead~
Julian has such beautiful hair from this side, omg.


The fact I am learning this new DIY while surrounded by flowers, is adorable. And why I cherish this image for days.


Enjoying my flute, may or may not be annoying Cykun; who knows~

These images below are actually from one of our events~!! :D
I wish I could remember what the event was, but like when trying to search through - wait I think it was the Bell Tree World Championship? It's hard to remember, as some of the threads are closed now.



Guess which team I was on~!! :D


I remember this race~! It was so much fun!! The maze was great, I wonder how long it took to do this. The dedication~ ❤️

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Why are you upset about this, Dizzy?
I think I spoke to him after giving him medication, so maybe it didn't kick in properly yet.


Grabbing some nice, and cool clothing - almost like a costume!


Then I find my two baes hanging out on a bench together.
Ya know that bench that just appeares outta nowhere XD Also, Daisy why are you sitting like that. Interact with Agnes!


Ahh how lovely Daisy, I'm sure he enjoyed his time on Ataraxia.


Yup, that definitely sounded like him XD I vaguely remember that was the main thing he did on the first visit.
Aren't we glad no wasp nests are in multiplayer. Though, I bet that would be fun; see who the wasps hunt for instead!!

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Redd gave me a nice package (We're allowed to be silly here...)

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Daisy was doozing a lil' in the sunlight, so I decided to join her.

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I came to visit Cykun's Island!~! Yayyyy
And he has definitely started enjoying the game, and found some branded clothing.

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We're still enjoying annoying each other by stopping us from moving XD
Loving his house so far!


I dunno what I got upto last night, but I am not mentally or phyically ready for today ;_;
I love their reaction after waking up!


What are you both looking at 0-0 Reminded me of my cats when they see something I cannot XD What's wrong with the water faucet girls?


Brought some new snazzy items to go with the new and imrpoved snazzy look~


Dazzling with Julian as he sings/dances. Both are great.



I love swimming alongside him~! It's kinda cute to see Pascal eat it too hah XD


What a lovely nickname Daisy~
Honestly though I think she's just really hungry when she picks them out. XD Don't eat me please.


And after a long day on the Island, I find Julian again, but at the beach so I come and join him.