~My first Birthday on Ataraxia~
The fact it was Nan, Daisy and Dizzy were the ones who held my first birthday on the island, how lovely to think back on.
<insert videos here once they decide to work>
Close up of my besties~
A lovely pic of them all!
What a fun little party~
They look so yummy! 5 second rule!
Thank you all so much for a lovely present, food and fun activties~<3
So glad I had a lovely outfit on while I went to my party~
Marina just playing in the snow haha
Me and Marina sat down to listen to a lovely song from K.K
Each time I look back at images or what things Vivian said to me, love her even more.
Same for Nan, omg. She gives me too much love~
K.K always giving you a new look at common ways XD Ima say this next time.
You always make it better, Vivian. I'm pretty sure I gave her a cupcake.
So much love on Ataraxia~