Clothing Attack on Titan Themed Clothing

My QR code machine is not availale just yet, but I really - really want to wear some SnK uniform so if anyone can do me a favor and save any of the uniforms (maybe Annie or Armin) and tell me their Dream Code it'd be highly appreciated!!
You can't get clothes that are not that persons originals in the dream world.

Thunder if you are doing requests, I would like to see a Levi survey corpe shirt or dress.
Really love your work. I also would like to see Levi's dress or shirt *-*
uhm.. I registered today and referred your name, you don't mind, huh?
Thanks! I'll probably get around to Levi's uniform. I've got a decent bit of other patterns I wanted to work on first, though.

Ah no, I don't mind.
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