Attention Available TBT Members


Retro Braniac
Nov 16, 2008
Yellow Feather
Red Feather
White Feather
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Blue Feather
Silver Trophy (Second Place)
Would you guys be up for it at all? I can kick James off the wii for a bit to see how it goes. I need to see if Jingle would show up if the gate is open and what not. If he doesn't then i would have to re-plan "Jingle Mingle."
james is on the wii right now.. go on to bed, i'll replan the jingle mingle test for later. I just dont want peoples hopes to be brought up if this doesnt work out.
<big>Instructions for OakRidge Brigade as well as TBT users who are part of the test. </big>

Test 1: See if jingle is still operational when the town gate is open.

Test 2: If jingle is still operational when another person is visiting your town.

Test 3: Testing Jingle. When equipping new items, make sure to equip it one at a time. Example of this is if you have both the pirate hat and eye patch, approach him once with only the hat on, then approach him again with only the eye patch, then approach with both equipped. That is what part of the test will include.

Test 4: To see if Jingle remembers you in another persons town.

Results WILL be posted.

If there is more testing ideas, then they will be posted up. (now all i need is willing people to assist)

When everything is successful, then Jingle Mingle will proceed.
oh i wasnt sure and i didnt want to assume cause some people get really mad if you say "did you time travel?"
and yes i plan to TT, but i havent did it yet. My little sister demanded food... least her and the "little one" did...

About all thats missing on my end is a three-ring circus....