Buying autumn wall DIY

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  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
I'd love your golden flooring and fake warrior statue, but I'm out of tbt right now. Is there anything else you're interested in?
I am Interested in that real wistful painting for nmt trade :)
I'd love to buy all your books if you still have them :) how much for them?

edit: i could do 15 tbt for all 15 books, lmk if thats cool!
Interested in...
common bluebottle model
red dragonfly model
...for 200k IGB?
I'd really prefer tbt/nmt but i'll do the igb if it's all you have to offer! dm me a dodo whenever you're ready and I'll bring them by :)

I'd love to buy all your books if you still have them :) how much for them?

edit: i could do 15 tbt for all 15 books, lmk if thats cool!
sounds perfect! dm me a dodo whenever you're around and I can drop them off :)
I'd really prefer tbt/nmt but i'll do the igb if it's all you have to offer! dm me a dodo whenever you're ready and I'll bring them by :)

sounds perfect! dm me a dodo whenever you're around and I can drop them off :)
How about 3nmt?
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