Senior Member
Hiya! Would you do Becky/Gaston/Elmer for Apple/Cookie/Alice?<3
(Sorry if someone has mentioned any of the cards I'm asking for I haven't read the messages on this thread.)
No worries! No one has mentioned them yet. There is a distinct possibility that I would be interested in this trade, though I'm a little hesitant with Apple and Cookie, Only because I was under the impression they were more popular. Private message me though, I wouldn't mind discussing a trade further.
- - - Post Merge - - -
I can trade 179 Hopper and 241 Hans for 173 Julian. Please let me know If you are interested.
Sorry, at the moment, I am prioritizing getting higher popularity cards for my rare cards. As soon as I make more headway on that, then I'll be looking more into trading multiples for popular characters. Thank you for the offer though. I'll let you know if things change.