Avatar: The Last Air Bender

well ill be in it just for the heck of it ive watched like three episodes when there was a marathon... ill be momo or princess yue scince they are the only ones left:(
((HEY you forgot me...oh well...this is fun! =P))
*thinking: That's right! It does make steam...(looks around) Oh no! Aang forgot his glider!*
*dodges flames, making firebender mad*
Triforce3force said:
(Just a question...where is this happenening in the timeline?)

Before or after the huge Ba Sing Se finale?
((We aren't relly following the story of it...))

Katara I have my glider right here. Look! It's Bae Sing Sae!
Welcome travelers, to Ba Sing Se. I am the Earth King, leader of this city, kingdom, and the army. Cool, huh?

And as king, my first decree is: Every Friday shall be Casual Friday! :dance:
This earth kingdom is really great! But...shouldn't you practice your earthbending Aang? You need all the practice you can get!
I guess but....let's relax first! That battle was harsh!
*turns to the Earth King*
So, what kinda stuff does one do here in Bae Sing Sae for fun?
*boredly walks around kicking rocks around. She touches one and it moves!*
Oh...what's in here? *reaches in* *claw thing comes and pulls her into the underground chamber of the Mole Tribe.* *She is tied up with stuff around her mouth, arms, and legs and is tied to a pole.*
MMMfffH! FffffmmmmhhHHHH!
*looks around*
Where's Katara? She's probably off enjoying the city already!
*Roku appears in front of Aang*
Roku: Hello Aang. I am Avatar Roku. I am you....and you are me. I was your most recent life. My are you looking good for 112 years old!
Aang: Leave me alone! I don't want to do this! Not now! Not ever!
*Aang starts to run but Roku makes a hole in the ground and Aang falls*
Aang: Ouch! Where am I??
*hears Katara screaming*
*starts to run to her voice. it grows louder. Aang finally reaches her and is knocked out*
Azula: Hmph. We let them get away. But we'll catch them...Zuko....I have a job for you and Iroh. I have some...business to take care of somewhere else. You two enter Ba Sing Se as civilians. Got it? I'll meet with you later. Ba Sing Se will fall, by my hand.
"Alright, sister." He glances at Iroh and motions for the old man to follow. He sets off in the direction of Bae Sing Sae.
Brewster said:
I guess but....let's relax first! That battle was harsh!
*turns to the Earth King*
So, what kinda stuff does one do here in Bae Sing Sae for fun?
Well, let's see...we have Arcades, Lounges, Theme Parks, and much much more!


Not to mention, we just opened another mall. That's our eighth one total. :yes:
Azula turned back.

"One last thing, Zu-zu! Don't go getting used to anyone or anything in Ba Sing Se. It's just an assignment, not your life. I've got some allies to recruit. Do you remember Mai and Ty Lee? I'm sure you do. Get to work."