Shop ★☆ ♡ Avvie's Shop CLOSED♡ ☆★

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Could I get the full moon vanity? (It's rare, but still oderable?) would 3tbt be acceptable?
can I get the box of chocolates & chocolate heart for 5 tbt?
so sorry for the late reply! is my order still a go? (toy hammer, pink party dress, heart shades) for 14 tbt?
i'll be online for most of today.
Could I get the full moon vanity? (It's rare, but still oderable?) would 3tbt be acceptable?

I can do that!

can I get the box of chocolates & chocolate heart for 5 tbt?

I can do that!

so sorry for the late reply! is my order still a go? (toy hammer, pink party dress, heart shades) for 14 tbt?
i'll be online for most of today.

I no longer have the toy hammer but i can do the others for 8tbt?

can i get white stockings please?

I can order them for you if you like?
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