Bad times to start uncontrobably laughing ?


Hornsby's Bestest Snack Buddy
Mar 7, 2018
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Mother's Day Carnation
Tasty Cake
Orange (Fruit)
I once was brushing my teeth and o thought back to something that had happened at school and I started choking on my toothbrush.

What about y'all?
When I’m in the middle of class, at a sporting event around other people, or somewhere else. Sometimes I’ll get so bored and my mind drifts off. When that happens, I usually recall something funny that I witnessed or heard not too long ago, and a big smile creeps across my face and I just can’t help myself. People may give you weird looks, but hey, it’s not like they’re having as much fun as you are. :lemon:
I laugh when I'm nervous or when something unfortunate happens. Like just yesterday my co-worker and I got rudely kicked out of our office in the middle of doing something really important, and my co-worker was SO MAD but I couldn't stop laughing. And a few months ago, a cell phone went off (with the most obnoxious ringtone) at the worst possible time during a concert I was singing in, and the other people onstage were angry but I was laughing while singing for the next two minutes. I just couldn't control it.
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In a library when u get weird people coming in and using the internet for watching porn lol
When my brother asks if I did something and I say I didn’t because I as a matter fo fact did not do it but my stupid ass just keeps smiling and laughing so he thinks I’m lying.
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laughing about unfunny things you can‘t explain while being on a shift with the coworker you like the most, with no diret supervisor present, but being heard by everyone else and being asked if we don‘t have anything to do.
this one time in elementary school i was joking around with my friends, and the teacher goes, "oh by the way x has been away because their grandmother passed away", the room goes quiet but i couldn't stop laughing at the dumb **** we were doing. it was pretty bad.

also at the dentist
also when your at a funeral...

Sadly, this almost happened to me once. I was a funeral for my husband's grandmother and all of a sudden the preacher started talking about aliens. And he was really going off about how aliens couldn't possibly exist because the Bible doesn't mention them. My husband was a pallbearer so he was sitting in the front several pews away from me, but he turned around and gave me the strangest look. I had to stifle a laugh and pretend it was a sob. Literally nobody else at the funeral even noticed the lengthy alien speech. I guess they were grieving too much. My husband asked some of them about it later and they all thought he was crazy, but I heard everything too and could confirm his story.

The worst fit of laughter for me, though, was once when I was working at a call center. We had headsets and they just beeped and the caller was automatically on the line with us, so there was no time to prepare. It was a slow night and I was chatting with the girl beside me and she said something kind of funny right as a caller beeped in my ear. It wasn't even that funny but the timing of it caught me off guard and no matter how hard I tried, I could not stop laughing. I explained myself to the caller as best I could and eventually got it under control. Luckily, the caller was very nice about the whole situation and that call never got pulled and audited.
I'd say the most awkward time I ever laughed was in my senior year of high school. I was in the bathroom with my best friend at the time, and in walks this girl that had been nothing but an ***hole to me (she was mean to my best friend as well, so we both hated her). The thing was, we knew about a very dark, dirty secret of hers from an anonymous source that gave us a kind of leverage over her. So the girl walked in with a gaggle of her friends and literally all I could think of was this gross thing she'd done. I glanced at my best friend and she had this huge grin on her face. At this point I couldn't help myself and laughed out loud, barely managing to turn it into a cough. We ran out of the bathroom and laughed hysterically all the way to our next class that we happened to be in together. So yeah...not the best time to lose it.
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Sadly, this almost happened to me once. I was a funeral for my husband's grandmother and all of a sudden the preacher started talking about aliens. And he was really going off about how aliens couldn't possibly exist because the Bible doesn't mention them. My husband was a pallbearer so he was sitting in the front several pews away from me, but he turned around and gave me the strangest look. I had to stifle a laugh and pretend it was a sob. Literally nobody else at the funeral even noticed the lengthy alien speech. I guess they were grieving too much. My husband asked some of them about it later and they all thought he was crazy, but I heard everything too and could confirm his story.
Wow what an idiot.
I started laughing really hard while having a severe anxiety attack the other day, it was a really bizarre sensation.
Urm probably when my physics teacher said his grandma died and I burst into laughter. Luckily only my friends noticed. Though I'm sure he did to sooo...
one time, during lunch, my friend had showed me a really funny meme. it was a weird meme that i didn't understand, but when she pointed it out, i burst out laughing. what i failed to notice was that my other friend was talking about how one of her family members just got diagnosed with cancer. as soon as i started laughing, i got a big smack over my head. i assured her that i would never laugh at that, but i think she hated me for the whole day tbh.
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also when your at a funeral...

I can quite relate. -_-;
When, the more people are serious and I know I never should be laughing, the more... the symptom is stronger...

During the funera forl my father few years ago, my sister whispered a bad joke in my ear. It was "look, he's like a flowery princess now" or something along those lines. My father was muscle-y men, sorta like a gorilla. And the joke was too accurate because everyone was tossing the various colorful pastel flowers into his coffin. Attack of hysteric giggling was uncontrolable. I must've looked like insane person, by hysterically laughing and crying both at the same time.