Senior Member
I was wondering if the "bald spots" in my CF town will ever grow grass. I only recently started, so these spots are not from animal tracks.
So will these areas start growing grass over time, or will they be permanently barren?
I have lots of gold roses planted in the form of a path all the way around my town and it looks amazing.They will turn faster if you plant a flower or two in the spot, then avoid it for a little while.
I had bald spots when I first started the game and others appeared, not really connected to my path system.
I don't understand them or why they appear: some of the early research into grass wear suggested that some areas were more prone to wear than others; it was never more than a suggestion and was never looked into.
Yes you can grow the grass back in these spots, but I've only been successful if I plant flowers.
As they tended to be away from my path system, I use gold roses (you don't have to water).
Or use ordinary spare flowers, don't water and just replace when they disappear.
Yeah you can grow back the path with flowers and just leave it for a while. It'll take some time for it to grow back...
Personally, I love towns that have a dirt path going all through the town to the main places. It looks really nice.