I've been looking into this and there seems to be a lot of confusion around the bank interest system... I know that interest is defiantly created but the questions we need to spade are how often and how much...
My thoughts are that the system gives out interest every month at very low rates... I base this on the letter I received today informing me of 300 bells being added to my bank while I had over 60,000 already deposited...
This is interesting, keep the data coming... Working it out in my head, I get different percentages... Why don't we find someone who knows how to do real math rather then my bizzaro method?...
Real banks usually calculate interest based on the average you had in your account over the past month, so even if you have a lot of bells in your account at the end of the month, if you've only had it there a week, you won't get any interest. There has to be money in the account for the whole month, and depending on how much that amount fluctuates, your interest accrued will fluctuate, too. I think that if at any point your account goes to zero, your interest for the month will be zero.
I am not sure of this, but I have not received any interest yet in the game and my account goes from $500k to zero like every week. Also, my theory seemed to stand in Wild World banking.
The best test would be to put only $100k in the bank and don't touch it for the whole month, then see how much in interest you get and calculate the percentage from that.
I know it wont eliminate your interest if your account falls to zero, but depositing 100k for an entire month is a good first step in determining the interest...
I've heard from somewhere that the interest you collect on a daily basis will eventually be limited to less than 100k Bells or something like that. Would love it if someone could actually confirm this tid-bit.