Barter & Trade Materials/Items Here!

Trading stacks of iron for stacks of stone or “wood”. Will trade up to 10 stacks. Pm me
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Hello everyone! I’m looking to trade 10 yellow tulips (or yellow tulip seed bags, whichever you prefer is fine) for 10 yellow roses! Please pm me if interested, thank you!
looking to trade a star pochette for a cherry bloom pochette. pm if interested please~
I would like two pears.

I’m willing to trade two of any other fruit or two iron nuggets.

I'm looking for some pears, and roses or rose seeds. Willing to trade any other fruit (peach, cherry, orange, coconut) and flowers or their seeds including: hyacinths, pansies, lilies, and tulips. I only have regular/basic colors right now. Also willing to trade peach furniture! I have the peach chair and peach surprise box.
Note: Looking for something else? Feel free to ask! I have a few bamboo furniture that I can craft as well :)
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I'm trading bags of seeds and bunches of oranges for the flowers I still need!

Today (3/30) I have red hyacinth, red pansy, red tulip, yellow hyacinth, white tulips, and white pansies in Nook's Cranny and my native fruit is Oranges.

I still need mums and lilies and roses. Any color will do.
Looking for flowers or seeds!

I need all basic rose and lily colours, and white mums.

I have pansies, tulips, and hyacinths to trade (for seeds, i have white/yellow hyacinths and tulips and red/yellow pansies in stock).
Also willing to trade a few black/orange/pink tulips or any fruit!
I have a fortune teller set with red candles, looking to trade for a fortune teller set with white candles.
Thanks ^-^
hello! looking for one each of apple, peach and cherry! i have pears or bells to offer in exchange c:
I'm looking to trade flower seeds, specifically my pansies, hyacinths and windflowers for your lilies, cosmos, mums and roses. I can also offer a couple blue and pink windflowers if you don't need seeds.
I’m looking for 5 yellow lillies or yellow lilly seeds. I’m return I can trade any of the fruits, iron, any non-hybrid flowers, nook miles ticket, and peach furniture. Please PM me if interested!
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hey! i'm looking for pears/cherries i've got oranges/peaches.


i'm also looking to trade the tulip wreath for a rose wreath
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Does anyone have roses and lilies? I'm in desperate need of them! I can trade bells, tickets, or I can get the Chai sanrio poster :)
Looking for flowers! (Mums, roses, lilies, and red cosmos)

I’m willing to trade fruits (apples, oranges, pears) or simply pay in bells. Looking for the above flowers in all base colors, except for cosmos which I only need red.

Also willing to swap for my flowers! I have tulips of every color but purple, base color hyacinths, red and white wind flowers, and will have yellow pansies tomorrow. My shop also sells most of the above if you’re looking for seeds but it will take a few hours before it opens.
Trading 1 Nook Miles Ticket for each stack of stone or “wood” (not hard/soft)

Alternatively can trade one stack of iron or regular bamboo

PM me!
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60 soft wood for 10 young spring bamboo & 10 bamboo seeds
Soft wood for flower seeds
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I am looking for mums, cosmos and lilies in any colour!
I have all of the other flowers in all colours and can also offer bells or mile tickets! Just name your price! :)