by the way remember this
Banned bc you wrote these
Experiment #38267
Day 1
The experiment is done and the test subject is still alive, so that's a good start. However, the test subject hasn't spoken at all and appears to be panicking and is in great amounts of pain. The cause for the pain is currently unknown and it is likely a side-effect from the experiment.
Day 2
We have discovered the cause of the pain. The test subject has two "default" ink colors. This was not one of the expected results. There is no way to reverse the experiment now, either. The subject also continues to not speak.
Day 3
The test subject has learned how to change species at will. At least SOMETHING has been successful from this experiment. We still cannot get the subject to speak.
Day 4
The subject seems to be upset with us and that may be the reason it hasn't spoken. If the subject doesn't speak, we won't know if the experiment affected its memory in any way. Something will have to be done about this eventually.
Day 5
Apparently, the test subject was drooling the ink of the other species while asleep last night. The cause of this is currently unknown. It's mostly likely just another side effect. We also STILL cannot get the test subject to speak.
Day 6
Today we tested what happens if the subject comes in contact with various ink colors. It seems that all of them caused pain, but pink and orange caused the least amount of pain. The fact that its own ink colors harm it is quite concerning. More research may be needed.
Day 7
One of my co-workers claims they heard the subject talking to itself. I find it hard to believe, but perhaps it actually did? If so, could this mean the experiment affected how its brain works? More research will be needed, but since it won't talk to us, that won't be simple.
Day 8
Another day, another failed attempt to make the test subject speak. I'm starting to think it hates us. What would happen if it got out and told the world what we did? No, no. Now is the not the time to worry about that.
Day 9
This time I heard the test subject speak. I'm very certain it was talking to other species. It seems likely now that neither of them were lost in the process of the experiment. But that also means the test subject is very aware of what we did. We cannot let it tell the world.
Day 10
It turns out the test subject really does hate us. It could have spoken to us this entire time but it just refuses. Perhaps if I let it listen to some music, it will calm down?
Day 11
The music was a mistake. The test subject went out of control and almost escaped. We are keeping it in a more secure room from now on.
Day 12
There does not seem to be any possible way to make the test subject trust us now. Was this experiment a mistake? What are we meant to do with a squid/octopus hybrid that hates us? Did I even think this through before starting it?
Day 13
Apparently, the subject actually liked the music I previously called a mistake. It was caught humming it earlier today. Perhaps the anger that day was more about wanting freedom? Oh no, now I feel bad...
Day 14
It's been 2 weeks now. The test subject still hates us. It appears to still be in pain. It could still escape and tell the world about us. I'm starting to deeply regret ever getting the idea to do this experiment.
Day 15
I can't stand knowing what we- no, I have done. This is all MY fault. The experiment was MY idea. I don't want it to stay here and suffer anymore, but if it gets out, we will be in trouble with the authorities. But that means the only other option is...
Day 16
Day 17
We are shutting down the laboratory and moving to somewhere far away. If the test subject tells anyone about us now, nobody will be able to find us. I still feel bad that the subject will continue to be in pain, but perhaps it wanted to live anyway? Either way, I'm sorry I did this to you...@KurbExperiment #48905672580
Day 1
I have made a decision on fixing my biggest regret. I can't undo it, but perhaps I can improve it. I will be spending time deciding how to do so.
Day 2
I know what went wrong before. Inklings and Octolings should only have one ink color at a time, otherwise they will be in pain. I don't think I can change the ink color issue, but perhaps I can find a way to make the subject adapt and be able to handle having two types of ink.
Day 3
First, I need to find a creature that can adapt to anything. I will do anything I can to find such a creature.
Day 4
After an entire day of research, I came to the conclusion of what creature would work perfectly. I shall go capture this creature tomorrow.
Day 5
I have the creature and it is completely clueless as to why it is here. Perfect. I have been feeding it candy and it doesn't suspect a thing. Tomorrow, I will be tracking down the run away test subject that I need to fix.
Day 6
I have come up with a way to give amnesia to the test subject. It will not know I ever "kidnapped" it or conducted another experiment on it. The only problem is... I have not found the test subject yet.
Day 7
I believe I have found the test subject. Once it is alone, I will... kidnap it.
Day 7.5
I did it. I believe I have fixed everything... The subject shouldn't remember any of this. I have made sure the adaptive creature won't remember anything about this either. It was not very intelligent, but I still needed to take precautions since the test subject would likely figure things out.
Day 8
I've been spying on the test subject. It appears to be convinced something... else happened. I don't know why it thinks that, but at least my plan to give it amnesia was successful. But the main question now is... Have I freed the subject from pain?
@Your Local Wild Child