Basement Dwellers

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Twiggy just gave me a drying rack to place down on my island
It's currently raining
Are you trying to tell me something, Twiggy?
I don't think so if i remember correctly
It’s a doozy.

I got deli as my starting lazy on Arctin because I didn’t pick up one in time. He was alright at first.I thought he was actually kinda cool! Then one day, he came up to me and gave me something as a “best friends gift.” judging from the name of it, I thought it would be a cool rock. It was a western style style. A GRAVESTONE. He was creepy from that point on. Thankfully Diana came along and evicted him (but my brother got him from the void)
During the getting the 3-star island process on my first island, I got 3 different types of trashcans in a row when given furniture.

They really called me out.

origami is holding me at gunpoint to post these
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