Bat Partners


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Red Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Yellow Pansy
White Pansy
Red Lily
White Lily
During the Rover Event, I did my absolute best to maintain an equal exchange of butterflies with friends who were gifting them to me. I believe I was pretty successful, but it did become more difficult to return the same number of butterflies during the second half of the event. It also became a bit more difficult to keep track of who I sent butterflies to because I wouldn't be able to return them straight away due to the low catch rate. Still, I worked very hard to get butterflies to my friends (even starting an account for my fiance) and actively growing flowers with the same effort even after I had cleared all of the goals. I sent out messages and checked the threads to see who needed butterflies because I didn't want to end the event with butterflies knowing they could have helped a friend. Unfortunately, despite my efforts to help friends with the Rover Event, I sent so many butterflies to friends who simply did not share back, and it was quite sad. On the positive side, I also discovered a handful of friends who were so kindhearted and generous with their butterflies.

I'm hoping to find a few more friends who are dedicated to sharing bats with friends and helping others during Lottie's Gothic Rose Festival. I'm not expecting 100% return rate (I promise) because I understand that you won't always be able to share back due to catch rates, personal luck, available spaces, and so on; however, it would be nice if friends helped with watering if they are unable to share. I created this thread not only to find new friends, but to connect others who are seeking help with this event as well. So please, if you're truly looking for partners during this event, reply with your ID & IGN, so people can add you, but please don't reply if you have absolutely no intention of sharing with others. Not returning bats will inevitably hurt kind generous friends who are dedicated to sharing, and that is not acceptable.
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Hey! You helped me out quite a bit during the Rover event so I'm hoping to return the favour during this round! My IGN is Alycia btw, just so you know who I am when I share some bats to you. I wish you luck and I hope you find a few more dedicated people!

is it just me or did horrinle on pocket camp compared to other game

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is it just me or did nintendo do horrinle on pocket camp compared to other game

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is it just me or did nintendo do horrinle on pocket camp compared to other game
Hey! You helped me out quite a bit during the Rover event so I'm hoping to return the favour during this round! My IGN is Alycia btw, just so you know who I am when I share some bats to you. I wish you luck and I hope you find a few more dedicated people!

You helped me so much as well during the Rover Event! Thanks again for that! Expect some bats coming your way soon!
Mopy! How are you doing for bats? Im on 54 and 30, and I wasnt even growing any roses for the first 6 hours (I was trying for that purebred purple tulip. Which I failed to do by the way, so I have to start from scratch again).

I havnt neglected you, I just havnt had anything to share all morning: Ive only been able to give if I have received. Not that you were to know this.

Rest assured my next crop should nudge me just ahead of my debts. And which point I should become a generous man.

Dont send me reds: give them generously elsewhere instead. Unless you need them yourself. Then youll get them and more back.

I agree with you too. My game has basically become me sharing with the same handful of people, and every now and again a stranger wanders in and gives me a tentative red. They get it back, but no more than what they give. I aim to be more generous later, but its like certain people have clumped into cliques. Sort their own out first, then help out elsewhere later. I think the issue is that if you didnt manage to get a clique formed last event then one would struggle to find a place in one now.

Its a strange phenomenon. It all comes down to the fact that, in my observations, there are two types of player: the selfless and the selfish. And it is fear of the selfish that have caused the selfless to splinter off like this.
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Mopy! How are you doing for bats? Im on 54 and 30, and I wasnt even growing any roses for the first 6 hours (I was trying for that purebred purple tulip. Which I failed to do by the way, so I have to start from scratch again).

I havnt neglected you, I just havnt had anything to share all morning: Ive only been able to give if I have received. Not that you were to know this.

Rest assured my next crop should nudge me just ahead of my debts. And which point I should become a generous man.

Dont send me reds: give them generously elsewhere instead. Unless you need them yourself. Then youll get them and more back.

I agree with you too. My game has basically become me sharing with the same handful of people, and every now and again a stranger wanders in and gives me a tentative red. They get it back, but no more than what they give. I aim to be more generous later, but its like certain people have clumped into cliques. Sort their own out first, then help out elsewhere later. I think the issue is that if you didnt manage to get a clique formed last event then one would struggle to find a place in one now.

Its a strange phenomenon. It all comes down to the fact that, in my observations, there are two types of player: the selfless and the selfish. And it is fear of the selfish that have caused the selfless to splinter off like this.

Honestly, I haven't even paid attention to my own count. I have slowly been trying to repay bats that have been shared with me and then delivering the rest to active friends who shared during the rover event, but I'm only able to share one or two bats at a time to my friends so far, and I still have a bunch of friends left to share with. Ideally I would like to get all of my active friends who are participating in the event a few bats, but that may take me a while to accomplish because I have a large list. I wouldn't worry too much about friends not sharing straight off the bat (haha puns). I believe you will experience more butterflies being shared when there are more in rotation (everyone is still only a few crops in). Also, keep in mind that not all of your friends may know your plan to split between hybrids and event flowers for the first half. Some people may hop into your garden and think that you're playing the newest event very casually and may opt to share with people who they believe may want them more (that's only a guess though). For example, I have friends who I would love to share with, but they haven't played the event yet, so I chose friends who are active in the event right now because I want to make sure those bats are going to people who truly want to receive them.
Oh, no, perhaps you misunderstand. I wasnt complaining at all. I am exceptionally happy with my progress: especially seeing as I have only grown 36 roses myself. I have some excellent friends on my list, who share and return what they catch, same strategy as me and yourself. I think it comes from being so precious about my market box stock and ruthlessly blocking players who took more than they had to offer.
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Oh, no, perhaps you misunderstand. I wasnt complaining at all. I am exceptionally happy with my progress: especially seeing as I have only grown 36 roses myself. I have some excellent friends on my list, who share and return what they catch, same strategy as me and yourself. I think it comes from being so precious about my market box stock and ruthlessly blocking players who took more than they had to offer.

Oh, I didn't think you were complaining! I just didn't want you to be sad thinking people were sharing in cliques only, and I was trying to help you feel better. :) I think I just have strong negative associations with the word "clique" and I usually assume it makes people sad. My apologies! I'm really happy you're making great progress though. Sorry you didn't get your hybrid though. I slacked off of the hybrids again because I knew Lottie's Rose Festival was coming up, and I didn't want to have a bunch of hybrids I didn't want to pluck. Starting to wonder if I'll ever get my hybrids done with all these flower events lol.
It doesnt bother me at all as I appear to be part of one of said cliques. I sort of meant, like, we in this clique, if indeed that is what it is, seem to be sorting each other out first. Then we'll move on to helping others. Or, I will anyway. For example, I just got my 60th red bat, and the only purple roses I grew were the five 30 second ones.

I meant more that those who didnt form such bonds in the first event must be struggling today. Those people can rest assured, I still intend to have to grow 240 more purple roses for flower trade, so Ill still be churning out red ones.
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I'm looking for someone that gives bats back as well, I had a good give back in the rover event but I could always use more bats. :)
My PCFC is: 1984 1656 516, the name is Heidi. ^^
@SierraSigma ahhh I getcha! Yeah, I'm getting very close to finishing off the red gothic bat goals, but I plan to keep growing the entire event, so I'm hoping I have plenty to share with all of my friends too!

@Ably.Saucey I will add you tonight! I'm on a bit of a game break because I ran out of space on my phone, and I need to clear out some of my photos and possibly some older apps I no longer use. XD I wish Apple phones had more space.
I'd love some friends to share bats with as well!

In-game name: Miyue
Friend ID: 8687 9314 340
2893 2070 939

I will return the favor to any bats shared. Long as I have th bats lol but shld be fine cause I plant non stop.. will keep a few flowers out next round

Good luck 😋
Hey Mopy. I got done with golds this morning thank you, so if youre sending them over for my benefit there's no need.

And my spawn/catch rate hasnt been good at all for 2 cycles.

My next crop (4 mins) is coming your way, but only send them back if you want me to try and catch and return them to you. :)
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I don't have any more regular bats, but I currently have 5 gold bats to share, and will continue to grow red roses for now, so if anyone needs some, let me know.
i just started pocket camp yesterday so i dont really understand sharing bats and stuff yet, but do you need to keep planting new flowers for bats to appear?
i just started pocket camp yesterday so i dont really understand sharing bats and stuff yet, but do you need to keep planting new flowers for bats to appear?

If you plant new flowers (only the purple and red gothic roses), bats will appear when they bloom. If you have any flowers blooming (regular or the special ones), people can leave a bat on them for you.
Hey everyone, first of all, thank you guys so much for sharing so far! I was able to complete my first round goals because of all of your help! I've been able to return most of what has been shared with me as well, so hopefully I helped you guys out a little too! I still haven't added anyone new, but I will be adding everyone who posted their IDs asap. I'm still growing flowers, so I will be able to send bats to people who still need them, but I've slowed down a bit today because I'm not feeling very well. Also, just a quick reminded that I do take a peek to see who has finished their goals because I try to pass along bats to as many people in need as possible. If you are still in need of a specific kind please let me know, and I will try to get you bats of that kind. I would also encourage everyone to add each other so we can continue working together to get everyone's goals met!
Thank you, everyone, for all the generosity in sharing! I just hit the last challenge for the gold bats (I've moved my goth items to the upstairs of my camper, if anyone wants to check on how far I got), so please put me down near the bottom of the list, for now. I won't need any help until the next round starts; I'd rather see people who are still trying for completion get the bats.

I'll keep growing flowers, so I'll be able to hand out bats, as well.