Senior Member
Hi! my ID Is 3653 3783 004 I just started this morning i'm at the start pretty much, i'm happy to just water flowers and exchange bats my ign is Sarah.
Oh man! See I'm not that tedious I just try to gift back whose gifted me, but if they don't have space available when I get on sadly I can't share them, and just try to get them next time around. I try to be fair and distribute more to those who give more, but mostly I'm doing 2+ bats for everyone who gives me any as long as they have spaces open. I was in a gifting war earlier today with one of my friends (I don't recall her name) but we were gifting each other back to back, it was pretty funny! I keep 6 flowers open at all times, or try because the gifters are QUICK! Usually after delivering all of my bats I get back and all six plants are full up again! I'm finished now with the purple bats but still need golden, that's why I've been planting more of the red flowers but the catch rate is awful! I still appreciate ALL bats I'm gifted and will send 'em on back!
Hi friends,
Keeping a list takes too much time but I did try to make sure I was returning bats with people that shared with me. Some of the problem was that when I was playing some people didn't have flowers to put the bats on. I tried to water gardens and if people had something between 5,000 and 10,000 bells in their box I would buy it as a thank you.
I am done with the first part so if anyone on my list still needs bats just let me know. I am trying to grow lots of the flowers so I can get flower boxes and other flower trades. I will share the bats I get with the people on my friends list when I get bats on my flowers. I do try and go back and forth a few times if I see someone is on & returning them quickly back to me. I figure that means they really need the bats. I don't keep count though so please don't get upset if I don't share the same number of bats you shared with me. Plus it is not a 100% catch rate.
I will check back here later & see if anyone has posted that they need the bats who are on my friends list or sent me a friend request. I will try really hard today & tomorrow to trade back and forth with those that still need bats.
Have fun & enjoy your weekend.
Kira - pocket camp name
No worries! I love Kudos too that is why I pass them around, especially when someone gives me something. Also I wanted to tell you I like your campsite. It is fun with all the bears sitting out I have a feeling you play a lot like I do (maybe I play too much). I am still working on all the regular flower cross breeding & getting the items. It seems to take a long time but it is fun.
I might copy you and put some of my bears out; that is once I get more than the one I have. I like that you started the sharing threads for the events.
Hi everyone,
I am new to the game/forum and would like to share my game id and make new friends. I am growing flowers now for the last part of the event and not having much luck catching bats ugh. I will share what I do mange to catch back with you and will stop by to water your plants, give you kudos and make a few purchases as my appreciation for helping me out. If you only see a few bats returned its because I didn't have a good catch, you may have already gotten bats from others, your flowers aren't ready yet but I will be back around to check in on you.
My market box was full but its been depleted in the last few days so I am working to replenish it now. I have some items that probably won't sell so I will just delete those to make room for items that everyone needs. Thanks have a great afternoon.
My game name is Jador 5493-5800-727
thank you for the bats i just visited your garden, sadly you only had the 3 flowers bloomed so i could only leave 3 bats for you, hopefully they help thoughHi Tsukune-
I just got your invite I am headed to your camp now. Waiting on diamond and rubies now ugh. Thanks for the invite.