Pokémon Battle Maison BS.


Advance Wars Grand Master
Aug 4, 2013
New Horizons Token
White Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Easter Egg
Ok help me out im confused. I was Faceing off Vs a Garchomp and my Pokemon was a Greninja. Was doing Battle Maison
Muti Super. Now i looked up Garchomp its Speed maxes out at 330 non mega. it had a Barry, to restore hp.

So heres what i am Confused about. It had not boosted it's speed in anyway and my poke did had not received a reduction in speed in anyway, My Greninja's Speed was 377 i also had not switched in , How in the hell does he go First.
I am thinking i just got hosed here. Help me out maybe im missing something here.
maybe it used a priority move?

i mean idk you face some pretty weird ****

i faced a choice scarf rampardos lol
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Ugh, I hate the Battle Maison. Whatever you're facing, I feel your struggle. Most of the time, it's too easy, but then it takes a huge leap in difficulty and farming for battle points is such a pain.

But yeah, as Ahri said, they may have used a priority move? That's my only guess.

Bring back the Battle Frontier Game Freak!
Was there a Pok?mon before that could have done something to lower stats? I feel a lot of those challenges are just really unfair. I was fighting in the multi battle mode teamed with my brother and we lost to a Sharpedo holding a focus band. The stupid item worked 3 or 4 times in a row even with us double teaming it and we lost because nothing hit.
Ugh, I hate the Battle Maison. Whatever you're facing, I feel your struggle. Most of the time, it's too easy, but then it takes a huge leap in difficulty and farming for battle points is such a pain.

But yeah, as Ahri said, they may have used a priority move? That's my only guess.

Bring back the Battle Frontier Game Freak!

choice scarf rampardos

it terrorized my 20 win streak on super single
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choice scarf rampardos

it terrorized my 20 win streak on super single

Grinds to get Choice Scarf for [way too many] BP.
Last battle.
Faces Pokemon with Choice Scarf.
Cries inside.
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its funny what actually ended up happening. it was tragic.

acellgor, i hate you

It's just like "Peasants, I am the champion here, how come I had to grind and travel round the entire flipping region whilst you can just hop on a train to get here?"

Ugh how dare you beat me, I was going easy on you

Choice scarf... bet you bribed the cashier with Poke-dollars.
If only you could do that, I have so many Poke-dollars
it's just Rng guess what suks is been stuck at 30ish wins for wile now. my big question is should i switch to 3's i here it is easy-peasy (ish)
and is there a team that is perfection (ish) i added a mega Kangakhan i seem to be doing ok with it im useing Steven as a partner
any ideas anyone has im open , only looking for 50 wins nothing huge for you guys.
it's just Rng guess what suks is been stuck at 30ish wins for wile now. my big question is should i switch to 3's i here it is easy-peasy (ish)
and is there a team that is perfection (ish) i added a mega Kangakhan i seem to be doing ok with it im useing Steven as a partner
any ideas anyone has im open , only looking for 50 wins nothing huge for you guys.

Best thing:

Truant Durant
im confused why is having a truant durant good for battle maison team?
One word: Entertainment.

Other than that it sucks.

It's amazing with Entrainment and apparently there's another scummy method for doubles.

Lumineon does rain to activate Swift Swim and 100% accurate Thunder. Lumineon uses Soak on target, Eelektross kills with Thunder. Eelektross can be replaced with a Petal Dancing Own Tempo Lilligant and Lumineon can be replaced by Seaking for Soak.
i trying a new team so far im at 28win feeling good about this team, so far having good tempo control over matches.