
Senior Member
Jul 23, 2005
Throwback Tickets
BBCode is a way to edit your text. Usually IF [Invison Free] has the editing system as BBCode instead of HTML. Below is a helpful guide to BBCode:
Bold Text

[B]Text that should be bold[/B]
Text that should be bold
Italic Text

[I]Text that should be italic[/I]
Text that should be italic
Underlined Text

[U]Text that should be underlined[/U]
Text that should be underlined
Linked Text

[URL=]Text that should be linked[/URL]
Text that should be linked
Linked Image



<big><big><big><big><big>The Official Smiley Guide</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

:| mellow

:huh: what?

^_^ happy

:eek: surprised

;) right(sarcasic way)

:p silly

:D very happy
:lol: funny

B) cool
:rolleyes: has a secret

-_- disapointed
<_< angry

:) happy

:wub: love
:angry: angry

:( sad

:unsure: unsure
:wacko: crazy

:blink: what?
:ph43r: shy, scared
:eek:fftopic: off topic
:eh: blah blah blah or chatterbox
:yes: yes
:no: no
:mad: Very Angry

:yawn: yawn, bored

:'( crying
:r whitlse
:mez: riiiiiiiiight*in words of a sarcastic teenager.*
:jay: to cool
>_< doh or stupid(for yourself) or I forgot!
:evillaugh: Evil
Oh. I know that's there. This is just an easier one for people who don't really even know the basics yet. (people new to IF)
please there are too many already >_< This place is looking really messy with the source of moved threads left in the source >_<
BAMBAM! said:
please there are too many already >_< This place is looking really messy with the source of moved threads left in the source >_<
would you just shut up!
Your posting in topics thast were made at the beginning, your complaining about floated threads, acting like you own the place...
I'm Beginning to think Pirahna was right about you.
thanks now I know poeple are talking behind my back(not like I didn't already) Look, if I did act like that I would say Banned to you, Banned to PIRANHa for saying that (even if it were true in that case XD) and obivusly pikmin, I am trying to be a good member here, and I am allowed to voice my opinion, that there are to many floated threads on the same thing, if the rank threads were combined, I would have no problem...but it is irritating at times to have to scroll far down to find a thread. That is why they did it at Tech support at NSider mind you.

If you have a problem with me..either deal with it, or ignore it, your problem isn't mine, nor should I have to deal with it.
BAMBAM! said:
thanks now I know poeple are talking behind my back(not like I didn't already) Look, if I did act like that I would say Banned to you, Banned to PIRANHa for saying that (even if it were true in that case XD) and obivusly pikmin, I am trying to be a good member here, and I am allowed to voice my opinion, that there are to many floated threads on the same thing, if the rank threads were combined, I would have no problem...but it is irritating at times to have to scroll far down to find a thread. That is why they did it at Tech support at NSider mind you.

If you have a problem with me..either deal with it, or ignore it, your problem isn't mine, nor should I have to deal with it.
"Banned to PIRANHa for saying that"

saying what? spreading rumors? ok... first off, i haven't spread any sort of rumor about anyone. anywhere. infact... i dont think i've ever PMed ACFAN...

if you were a mod, or admin anywhere, we would have less voice there than you have here... you get away with too much. seriously, you complain about not being able to voice your opinion, when you are shouting it everywhere. its even funnier, because if someone did the kinds of things you are doing here on your forum, you would ban them. you filthy hypocrite.
ok did no1 catch the fact that on

there was 2 Http://'s
If some one spammed? I have been banned what 7, 8 times? I censor bypassed, alt accounts...and flamming, I got banned for all of those things, and sorry about that, I was kind of in a bad mood. Just because I don't get baned...doesn't mean I wouldn't ban

:p But I take it a different way then others obviusly.


But seruisly, I don't want to run this place or act like it. I don't say we must have this board. I say, it would be a good idea. If I make a command like that, then I would, but I haven't.
BAMBAM! said:
If some one spammed? I have been banned what 7, 8 times? I censor bypassed, alt accounts...and flamming, I got banned for all of those things, and sorry about that, I was kind of in a bad mood. Just because I don't get baned...doesn't mean I wouldn't ban

:p But I take it a different way then others obviusly.


But seruisly, I don't want to run this place or act like it. I don't say we must have this board. I say, it would be a good idea. If I make a command like that, then I would, but I haven't.
...somethimes you can be mean...sometimes you can be kool and just gotta try being nice more.
yah..I was just thinking that


But sometimes enough is enough. I probally have the worse life here. I get yelled at by my dad saying in my room for 12 hours at a time in Atlanta, my evil sister(I am not kdding, ask bob) who steals my money, frames me, and sweet talks my step dad who hates me to punish me...and then I have to take the crap here. I am actualy more sensitive, so things that don't hurt you, may hurt me.

Luckfuly, I am qiute optimistic.


if some one is mean to me, I am going to be mean at them. I try to let it go, I do most of the time...but no one can all the time...

although I think it would be healthy to discuss this...I don't think this is the right place....