The Polaroids:
Beau’s polaroid - Beau was my absolute favourite villager in New Leaf, even before I had the game. Even before it had released in NA yet! I adored him from the moment I saw him on the list of villagers in New Leaf, before I even knew his English name. He ended up randomly moving into Clarity all on his own, which is what the polaroid references! And the rest was history. <3 He may not be my #1 favourite villager anymore, but he’s still my bestest bud and my dearest (pun intended) friend. I had him in New Leaf, I have him in New Horizons, and I will have him in every future AC game. I honestly considered dedicating this scrapbook just to him because of how important he was to 11-15-year-old me. My love letter to New Leaf, and my proper goodbye to Clarity, wouldn’t be complete without him.
Hazel’s polaroid - Hazel was one of my “+ 50 others” dreamies, and I eventually ended up getting her! Only to have her ask to leave within a week or two of moving in.

She ended up asking to move 2-3 more times, frequently, before I got the hint and let her go. I loved Hazel, but Hazel did
not love me or Clarity LOL
Hannah’s polaroid - Club Tortimer was my social anxiety’s biggest OPP during my New Leaf days. I worked my butt off to earn the medals for it, paid for it, and then refused to actually use it for months. I was too scared LOL. I did eventually gather up the courage, and I met Hannah on one of the international islands. I don’t remember what her character looked like, but I remember English wasn’t her native language, so we didn’t talk much. But we
did go on a bunch of tours together, and it was honestly a lot of fun! She eventually had to leave, but before she did, she bought me the ukulele from the gift shop, and gifted it to me before going on her way. :’) I may have forgotten what Hannah looked like, and we may not have understood each other well, but I’ve never forgotten her kindness or the fun I had playing with her. It’s still one of my fondest gaming memories, and I hope wherever Hannah is these days, that she’s doing well.
Zeva’s polaroid - I’ve talked about my late kitty, Zeva, quite a bit on here. Since her passing, I’ve tried to include her in every artwork I’ve created if I can, as a small way to pay tribute to her and keep her memory alive. I want her to be a part of everything I do and accomplish, always. Zeva was with me my entire time playing New Leaf, and for my first year and a half of New Horizons, so I of course had to include her in this.
Everything else:
Snow Bunny - the Snow Bunny was one of my favourite items in New Leaf, and one of my favourite collectibles on here, so I felt it was only right to include it! I miss decorating with her every day
Dreamies list - Making (and remaking) my dreamies list was one of the biggest ways I kept myself occupied in the months leading up to New Leaf’s NA release. I probably made, scrapped and remade my dreamies list 10+ times, each one different.
Lolly and Sprinkle stickers - Lolly was another one of my random move-ins, and also one of my dearest friends! She plopped her house right next to mine, so she was often the first thing I saw when I loaded up my game each day. Sprinkle was one of Clarity’s first villagers, and was there when Clarity was first created! She also happens to be one of my absolute favourite villagers, and even came with me to New Horizons!
Things that are ILLEGAL in Clarity - For some reason, I used to absolutely hate Pietro. I don’t even know why. I don’t know if my mom’s dislike of clowns temporarily rubbed off on me or what, but my disdain for him was so strong that I swore to reset my town immediately if he never moved in. He never did, so I don’t know if I would have actually reset or not LOL, but I’m fond of him now!! Al….. not so much. He randomly moved in and squashed some of my hybrids in my first New Leaf town, but my grudge was so great that he got himself banned from Clarity, too.
Perfect Pear - Looking back at some of my old screenshots, I discovered that Clarity’s native fruit was pears! Makes having it as my fruit on here during the Farewell to New Leaf event even more special.
Pity Party - I discovered Melanie Martinez and her music about a year or 2 into playing New Leaf, and she’s still one of my favourite artists to this day. I’m even seeing her live for the first time this June! I chose to include “Pity Party” because I had a room inspired by the music video for it in my house.