Selling Beau! [Sold!]

Literally everything said "420 blaze it"
Or some form of unrepeatable phrase.
I really should have gotten them in trouble, as I knew it was their staff. But
Effort really.
I dread to think what would have happened if a really young kid had gotten that copy :/

Yeaaaah, that would have been pretty bad if a young kid had gotten it. But I would have to hope a parent buying it for a kid that young would have checked it out before handing it over and restarted it themselves.
Woop for getting Beau though! He's a cutiepie ^_^

Thanks! On my way Xan!

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Literally everything said "420 blaze it"
Or some form of unrepeatable phrase.
I really should have gotten them in trouble, as I knew it was their staff. But
Effort really.
I dread to think what would have happened if a really young kid had gotten that copy :/

Omg that sounds hilarious. Please tell me you have the dream address for that