Beau has been traded for Kabuki via Tumblr.
Beau the Lazy Deer is in my town, and he happens to be in the way of where I would like to build a bridge.
Being somewhat attached to him, I would like to see him go to a good home. Maybe one day he shall return to my town~
I am looking to trade him for Kabuki the Cranky Cat or Snake the Jock Rabbit.
Kabuki takes priority over Snake because I really really need a Cranky Villager for Zen projects. ;-;
I am also willing to accept bell offers if I feel good about the price. c:
Beau is not moving out yet.
Rosie is moving & she has to go to her new Mayor before Beau can move out.
"Beau" is pronounced "bow" and is French for handsome.
I'd prefer you post your offers here, but if you feel more comfortable PMing me then by all means do so!
Thank you for viewing my thread!
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