What villager has grown on you?

Some of the starters I’ve had have been growing on me a lot, most recently plucky! I never cared about her before I had her as a starter on my current island.
Rowry is another case of villager I never thought I’d love, but he’s one of my favorites now! Had him on 2 of my islands as starter :D he was the first to sing on my very first island and I couldn’t help but love him!:)
On my first island, my first two villagers were Agnes and Louie, neither of which I'd met before, and they both grew on me quite quickly! Agnes is now my favourite villager. 🐷

On my second island, I just let the houses be filled randomly. Hippeaux moved into one of the homes, and he is a villager that slowly grew on me! I really enjoy having him on my island. 😊
Does a villager having grown on me in a previous game count? Because Flip became my fav jock villager after I always got him in my New Leaf towns.
Iggly! he was one of my starting villagers before I reset I hated his jock personality, but at the time I had no clue how to collect iron to build nooks cranny(I thought I had to destroy the rock) he game me 15 iron and I cherish him forever and love his personality now and am trying to get him on my new island
Coach was one I didn't like at first. I took him while I was on my last couple of NMTs because I needed a jock, but I was not excited to get him.

But, IDK, seeing his colorful self running around the island made me smile. I made up a story in my head that he was a retired sports coach, trying to take it easy, but he just couldn't help pumping up everyone around him because it was his calling, even in retirement. I kept him for a pretty long time and loved him while I had him. Sometimes I think about hunting him down and inviting him back.
Coach and Katt were my two starting villagers. I didn't like either one of their designs, but they both wound up growing on me. Coach stuck around for the first six months, and I actually invited him back for a bit at some point after that.

One that was a big surprise to have grow on me was Lyman. He was my best friend's son's villager, and apparently wound up getting put into my queue, because he was one of the random move ins I had. I actually missed him after he did leave, he really wasn't that bad of a koala after all.
for me it's probably Ursala. she highkey bullied me in Animal Crossing on the gamecube (like I know that snooty villagers can be rude, but she was absolutely ruthless lol) so I really didn't like her. but starting in NL she became a sisterly villager, and I think that personality matches her design much more. I wouldn't say she's one of my favourites but I definitely don't hate her now haha.