Being a smart ass


Retired Staff
Dec 8, 2008
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So. I just want to hear people opinions on this (I know this can go in The Blog Tree but no one ever reads that stuff)

So last year I was doing my textiles half yearly, there was this question and it was "What is nap?" I literally had forgotten so I wrote 'where you sleep for a short while' and my teacher gave me half a mark.
However, in my Science exam (which was a few days ago) I was given a question and it was like 'Calculate the average speed of..." So I wrote "this isn't maths but okay... *wrote the answer*" and I lost half a mark even though I got the question right. I do find this unfair but my science teacher is a whore so I didn't argue with him (because I got a good mark anyway)

So, the point of this topic is what's your opinion/verdict on smart assing in exams?

Personally. I think it should be allowed. I mean if you wrote something like "OMG WHAT TYPE OF ****ING QUESTION IS THIS ****!!??" Obv that should be taken in a negative way. But thoughts on this. Just discuss in general,
Well, technically, it WAS allowed in your examples. Free Speech (including disrespect, rudeness, impetuosity, arrogance, etc.) does not mean freedom from [negative] consequences.
To be honest you shouldn't have said the cheeky remark as teachers don't like humor. But the nap thing made me laugh
Well you aren't smart if you don't think mathematical equations are part of Science.
To be honest you shouldn't have said the cheeky remark as teachers don't like humor. But the nap thing made me laugh

Not all teachers are humorless pedagogues.

Anyways, I used to be the kind of person who wouldn't pass up an opportunity to correct spelling errors/typos or make a joke on an exam. But I've realized that if you come off seeming like you think you're smarter than your teacher, then you're most likely just being an ass; because you're most likely not.

Also, in what way is calculating an average speed not math? True it is more of a physics application, but it certainly is math. But if I was your teacher, I wouldn't have taken a point off. I would reply with an equally snide comment about how you're wrong, though.
Not all teachers are humorless pedagogues.

Anyways, I used to be the kind of person who wouldn't pass up an opportunity to correct spelling errors/typos or make a joke on an exam. But I've realized that if you come off seeming like you think you're smarter than your teacher, then you're most likely just being an ass; because you're most likely not.

Also, in what way is calculating an average speed not math? True it is more of a physics application, but it certainly is math. But if I was your teacher, I wouldn't have taken a point off. I would reply with an equally snide comment about how you're wrong, though.

but you each have your own opinions, maybe the teacher was in the wrong and the student was right, or the other way round.
but you each have your own opinions, maybe the teacher was in the wrong and the student was right, or the other way round.

I'm not sure what you mean. There isn't much room for opinions in math.

Also, how can we be talking about opinions, and yet be discussing who was right and who was wrong?
I don't do that, but I'm pretty close with my spanish teacher, and we have this joke that I'm evil so I often leave him various threats on my tests if I finish, but I do it in spanish. Often followed by a picture of whatever the threat is (i.e., a fleet of sharks). He will correct my spanish if I get it wrong in the threat, but he won't give me extra points/take points off my test for leaving the comments.
Not really. Except with my fun teachers who don't care and also joke around with us. :p
I'm not sure what you mean. There isn't much room for opinions in math.

Also, how can we be talking about opinions, and yet be discussing who was right and who was wrong?

not actually in the answers and that stuff, like if they got in an arguement, maybe the teacher was wrong.. or the other way.. and it is possible to talk about it at the same time :)
I love making smart/cheeky comments! 😛 But I wouldn't do that on an exam paper. I know I would often doodle on the back of my school papers or sometimes somewhere on the bottom or header. I'd get in trouble for that, but I did it out of having that itch to draw! 🤯📄 I would sometimes write my name in a ginormous font instead, in an attempt to be clever about their rules, you know? 😏
Idk why but this made me think of that one viral worksheet answer where the instruction was “Draw the situation.” And the kid drew The Situation from Jersey Shore. 😂
I deliberately put a stupid version of my teacher's name on an exam paper, because I hated her and knew there was nothing she could do about it as we were leaving forever after the exams. My younger cousin still had her as a teacher and told me how she tried to tell another class about it in like a snarky way, trying to be all "Oh that Goldi is soooo mature" but made the mistake of announcing what the name was that I put and subsequently earned herself a new nickname. My parting gift to my teacher, who shall forever be known as Miss Wormhead.
Never obviously, but I have made comments like this at times without the teacher even realizing it, lol. It's because my handwriting is mostly illegible to most people. :ROFLMAO:
Exams and school are suppose to help prepare you for your job as an adult. A smart ass comment is enough to get you fired or effect promotion or raises, where I live anyway. It is also seen as unprofessional.
This isn't even accounting for some people's perspectives of respecting others and/or elders and/or those above you, which is more of a gray thing, but they have the power to effect your life if they happen to be your employer, even if you don't agree with them or think their perspective is too strict or dumb or unfair.
Though I don't agree with docking the score for a student, I do understand why a teacher may go that route despite potential cleverness/creativeness. But without them talking to their students about it, I see it as a lazy maneuver.
Such an old thread, I can't believe a staff member wrote those words. 🫣

I don't think the examples given are being a smartass, that's just being a teenager who thinks they're funny when they're not. I would just roll my eyes. It's very unprofessional and obviously that's what kids are, but you don't need to give a worker an attitude for doing their job. As already said, being this disrespectful will get you fired in real life and school also has the job of teaching you what authority figures are and how to treat them. As far as marks go, I also lost half a point on my latest math exam because I forgot to draw a line. I didn't follow the instructions and instead of a 100% I only got a 99%. Big deal, I'm sure my final mark will suffer because of that.