Bell inflation will be a thing of the past and I couldn't be happier.

Never duped. Still had a lot of bells though -- maybe 75 mil? All from trading a few villagers and more largely, the stalk market. I look forward to getting "rich" and earning that amount throughout the course of this new game through the same methods. It'll be nice if everyone has to make their wealth organically in this one. I always felt kind of cheated after working so hard for all of my bells when prices went so high.

Trading villagers and hybrids were how I made the majority of my money back in the NL days. Before amiibo cards came out some of the prices for villagers were ridiculous! I sold Julian for over 50 million bells at one point.
We all know duping ruined an aspect of New Leaf. If you weren't duping willingly, you did it out of necessity to keep up with the trading market. I was apart of the problem. Just logged into my New Leaf town to take a trip down memory lane and I had 40,000,000 bells in the bank. Capitalist scum, I was.
I remember the night I decided to start duping. I was losing a bid auction for Blue Bear. I was on the Island frantically catching beetles so I could win my dreamie but of course, the other bidder out did my best efforts.
That night the game got ruined for me just a little. I was genuinely working for something and that was fun! But when you are up against essentially, cheaters, it's no longer fun.

I'm not taking a holier than thou approach, I understand people were doing it just to keep up. It was honestly a game design flaw. People will do things if they can. It's the way the news goes. I did. I duped with friends all night and there wasn't a piece of furniture, or top tier villager I couldn't afford. That part was cool but I kind of lost interest in the game not too far after.

With New Horizons, I have a feeling Nintendo will be stricter when it comes to manipulating the game. I get this idea because of the new cloud save feature. Nintendo wants this game to be played how it's meant to be played. As do so many of us. We will work for our things. We lost a really important part of the game that we will finally get back and I think that's really good for the longevity and lifespan of Animal Crossing.


You'll be pleased to know (/s) that duping glitches have already been found!

EDIT: My bad y'all I just read the other comments. Mods feel free to remove this c:
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