Bell Town

<big><big>Poilice Office

Today's Lost And Found Items

Lottery Ticket, Yellow Flower, Flame Paper
Anyone want to mail a letter? Please, or I'll be out of a job.





Here Justin! *Gives Justin a phone call* Your letter from Smart is at the Post Office!

*comes to post office*

What's it say?
only_half_evil333 said:
uhh i think thats my wall paper :rolleyes: i lost it on my way to butches
Wallpaper??? No wallpapper here.
I like it better...


<big><big><big>Poilice Office</big></big></big><big><big>

Today's Lost And Found Items

Lottery Ticket, Yellow Flower, Flame Paper\\

Nothing new because nobody toke anything.
Can I be the Head Police since the Current Head Police is not been avtive here latly.
can i be clerk?

and u thats my lottery ticket and the flower and the paper i lost it because uhh there was a hole in my pocket :rolleyes:
