Trading Bells, Looking for Kyle the Smug wolf. [Can reward!]


Sometimes, he do miss
Jul 15, 2013
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100% (85) +
Him and along with Margie are my last two Dream villagers I need, I'm getting Margie for free but she's taking awhile to move from the host's town, I had a planned seller to sell me Kyle but I haven't heard back from them for days.

Thing is, my town has currently 9 Villagers and Tiffany has asked to move, She's the only Villager who I want to leave so I can complete my town and I realllllly don't fancy going through having to cycle out a random villager who's moved in when my town has reached 8 villagers.

I'm in real dire need of Kyle, I can pay handsomely for him since I love Smugs and Kyle's the only other Smug I like along with Jacques and Henry.

I would admire ANY help with getting Kyle as soon as Possible, Do you have him and not really want him? CONTACT ME.

I can reward you for finding me a Seller and stuff goes through, I can gladly give you 5 Jacob's ladders and a Mailman's hat for your efforts.

EDIT: Could also add the full Link and Samus suits.
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Full reward on helping me get Kyle is the following.
(5 Jacob's ladders, any spare Hybrids I have in my town, Mailman's hat and full Link & Samus outfits)
Also seeing him go for like 200k Last night kinda ticks me off, I'd easily pay anywhere from 10 - 25 Million for him :I
Problem is, Tiffany will be in Boxes tomorrow.
Please do! Q-Q

How much do you want for him?
Tbh,Anything over 20mil would be nice. Oh,And you don't have to give me the full Samus Suit,Just the full Hero's Suit to go along with the bells would be nice. :3
I could do that.

20 Million + Link/Hero's Stuff?
Well, Devious is doing a giveaway and I should be getting Kyle when he pops up.

But, since I'm impaitient, I'd be willing to pay for him if anyone else has him.