Besides Happy Home Designer, do you think there will be another AC game?


peace luv and wubz :3
Dec 7, 2008
I still would love to see another game that's not a spinoff, but a sequel to NL.
For 3DS? I don't think so. Unless we get that really small minigame which is something like Photos with Animal Crossing but I doubt it.
The 3DS has been out for a while and probably only has a couple of years left before the next console. I feel like that's too short of a timeframe to get any sort of Animal Crossing title out - mainstream or spinoff.

In general, yes there will be another Animal crossing. It's just too popular to let the series die. The question is whether or not there will be a mainstream game on Wii U which people debate over.
I think there will be. I just really hope they make it for the next handheld console. I don't have enough money for a TV and main consoles so I wouldn't be able to play it. I feel like it makes more sense as a handheld anyways.
I think that as soon as another new Nintendo console comes out, there will be another AC.
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I'm pretty sure they're gonna be making one for the Wii U at some point or another, if not then maybe they'll save it for that new 3DS that's coming out in a few years. I hope they make another one and improve even further on the game~
I hope there'll be another one for the 3ds because I don't have enough money to buy wii U, another console, or a new computer (which I really need).
I think Animal Crossing getting spinoffs is evidence enough that it's getting to be a really important franchise for Nintendo, so it's pretty obvious to me that it'll get another entry.

However, after the announcement of Amiibo Festival and how much Nintendo keeps talking up the NX, I think AC will actually skip Wii U and go straight for NX, whatever that is. I hope it's a portable entry since I vastly prefer AC on portables, but I can't help but feel like there are lot of features on Wii U that are left untapped if it misses the system.
I'm kinda unsure tbh.

I would've been certain that there wouldn't be another one, but considering that I remember reading Nintendo or someone thinks the 3DS line still has 2-3 years left, I'm not sure. Tbh I don't think there will be another main series title on the 3DS, since it'd be difficult to make it different to New Leaf, since this is an Animal Crossing game and there isn't that much they can do on the same console - I mean, they would add the HHD features into a new 3DS game, but unless they add something drastically new, it'll just be the WW/CF situation again - that said, they could make is a New 3DS exclusive, but I highly doubt they're going to make one of their best selling series be a New 3DS exclusive, because it wouldn't sell well.

So no, I don't think there'll be another main AC game for the 3DS family, but I could see another spin off.

Outside of the 3DS, I think there'll be one for the Wii U - but if E3 2016 comes without an announcement, I'd say they're saying it for the next system.
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I'm pretty sure they're gonna be making one for the Wii U at some point or another, if not then maybe they'll save it for that new 3DS that's coming out in a few years. I hope they make another one and improve even further on the game~

Oh man, I hope they don't make it for the new 3ds. I really don't want to buy a new system just so I can play. I do have a Wii U, and I never play it. If they made a new ac on that system, I would play the Wii U all the time.
Oh man, I hope they don't make it for the new 3ds. I really don't want to buy a new system just so I can play. I do have a Wii U, and I never play it. If they made a new ac on that system, I would play the Wii U all the time.

Doubt it.
So many people have a current 3DS system as is, if Nintendo were to release arguably one of their top 5 series on the New 3DS, it would do poor in sales and probably damage the series. People aren't going to buy an upgraded mid-gen system just to play a new game, especially since it's just one game.

And not only that, the New 3DS released in Japan in October 2014, Australia in November 2014, and elsewhere in February 2015, but didn't see it's first exclusive game until April 2015, which was 6 months after it's initial release in Japan. Even now, the system has been out for almost a year in Japan, and 6 months in the west, and still only has one exclusive game. It seems that the New 3DS really isn't going to be getting a lot of exclusives, and the only exclusive it's gotten so far was a remake - so I'm really doubting that it'll get an exclusive main series game considering how it's been doing so far.

If it does happen, I can see it selling alright in Japan, 'cause 3DS systems sell like hotcakes in Japan, so they'd defs be willing to upgrade. But sales would definitely do poorly in the west. If it were to happen I wouldn't see it leaving Japan.
I think there will definitely be another main series AC, and it will either be for the Wii U or the NX. I really hope we get it for the Wii U.
I think that the next AC should be on the Wii U. Just imagine the graphics. Maybe something like the AC DLC for Mario Kart 8.
of course there will be a new AC game coming out. but please, release it on the 3DS because i bought mine like only 2months it'd be a waste if they suddenly release a new AC game for a new console..
Considering how well Animal Crossing games sell. I'd have to say yes. It's great money for Nintendo.
I want one for the NX
it would be great to have animal crossing on the next gen console/ handheld hybrid gaming system
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im sure there will be one for the wii u, there wont be another for the 3ds though there wont be one for handheld til the next handheld is out