"Best Animal Crossing" Video

My list would go as fallows:
1. Wild World
2. GameCube
3. City Folks

Wild World was my first game, but I have played the other versions, including Animal Forest. I like Wild World's pick-up-and-play style. Portable titles that pack so much in are always impressive to me.
AC for the GameCube was amazing and the holidays were the best of any other AC game to date, but the camera sliding between acres was nauseating for me. Wild World is like a really cleaned up GC for me.
City Folks is my least favourite because it really didn't add much to what Wild World had already given us. Yeah, there was a city. But it wasn't particularly impressive. It would blow maybe fifteen minutes of game time if you went in everywhere. It was a welcome addition, but I think they could have done more with it.

I'm quite confident that AC3DS will knock Wild World off its perch soon enough, though. And I'll be happy if it does.
I can't say anything about the Gamecube version because i never played it. So my top 3 is

1. CF
2 WW
3 GC

Little bit of a bump here but oh well, this board isn't very active anyway. :p

For me it would have to be:

1. Wild World
2. Gamecube
3. City Folk

It's definitely a tough choice between Wild World and Gamecube for me. I played the Gamecube one first and there always will be something special about it because of that. However, I just played Wild World so much more. And I have loads of memories I will never forget from playing that game online with folks from this forum back in the day. The hats and accessories actually added a lot to the game for me too.
I like GC the best - it was the first one I played - but all of that aside - it's the one I always go back to out of all 3...I always find myself replaying the GC version moreso than the other 2... when 3DS comes out it will either bump GC from the top spot or it will be in second place :p
I'd say it goes:
City Folk
Wild World

But it's only a marginal difference. I didn't hate anything about any of them!