I can't choose between orange, apple, or cran-grape. : ( They're all fantastic and pretty much even on my scoreboard. I guess good ol' orange juice might have a very slight lead, but only slight.
Also, cran-grape juice goes AMAZINGLY mixed with lemon-lime soda (like 7-UP/Sierra Mist). It's like sparkling grape juice. Delicious.
i guess the one i like most is orange juice, it quenches my thirst and i typically will drink it with breakfast, lunch, & dinner when i have a gallon of it at home.
I'm not sure, apple juice is too sweet for me, orange is way to sour, grape is also sweet depending on the brand, but I don't like the taste of it, I hate vegetable juice, like V8. Lemonade is also waaay to sour for me, and I haven't tried limeade. I guess I'll say apple juice.