Pokémon Best Pokemon recieved from Wonder Trade?

i've always gotten zigzagoon and stuff like that lol
you people are so lucky!!

i always release zigzagoons or bug crap (unless it's shiny) cause we don't need more of those craps lol

and yeah i think i was : D
I used to get a lot of shinies when I spent the entirety of last year's summer hatching and Wonder Trading away breedjects; probably the best one I've received was a shiny 6IV Bidoof nicknamed "God" and caught in a Master Ball. Obviously it was hacked, but I got a good chuckle out of it.
The best wonder traded pokemon I got so far is a tie between Rotom and a shiny Eevee named snowflakes. We all know what I'm evolving Snowflakes into now.
i've always gotten zigzagoon and stuff like that lol
you people are so lucky!!

Have you tried trading on Wonder Trade Wednesday? Or a holiday like Christmas? Those are the best time to wonder trade as some people trade what they breed. But some people also troll a bit with some rude jokes. I was giving away a few Cubchoos, Corphishes, Pichus, Charmanders, and Riolus last time I wonder Traded.
I just use wonder trade to get rid of all my failed shiny attemps. They're all 4/5 so I don't think it's a bad trade.
a lv. 100 shiny arceus. It's might be hacked tho, but still..

Any of the Arceus you see on GTS and Wonder Trade are hacked, especially the shiny Arceus. The only way to obtain a legit shiny Arceus was if you prebooked tickets to see the 18th Pokemon movie in Japan, and even then there was only a 1/19 chance you would receive a shiny Arceus out of all the other Arceus that were being given out. All of the Arceus came with the Wishing Ribbon attached to them, which prevents them from being traded via GTS or WT; meaning all the ones on GTS and WT had their ribbons removed or were injected into the game without them.
Any of the Arceus you see on GTS and Wonder Trade are hacked, especially the shiny Arceus. The only way to obtain a legit shiny Arceus was if you prebooked tickets to see the 18th Pokemon movie in Japan, and even then there was only a 1/19 chance you would receive a shiny Arceus out of all the other Arceus that were being given out. All of the Arceus came with the Wishing Ribbon attached to them, which prevents them from being traded via GTS or WT; meaning all the ones on GTS and WT had their ribbons removed or were injected into the game without them.

Yeah they most likely used some "device" to hack them. Still as long as they don't mess up your game they are nice to have. I bet it was that AuSlove.tv dude who hacked it though lol.
Hah, about event Pok?mon, apparently the Magikarp people got in Japan last year didn't have a ribbon (the birthday/Hiroshima Pokemon center one, non-shiny) so I think I got one of those from WT last night. Idek if it was a clone or I just got lucky, but keeping it just cause.
Ehehe hacked movie Pok?mons were the topic huh? Got a Volcanion last night hacked obviously cause the movie one has a ribbon and the OT doesn't match.. I love how badly ps'd it was though lol.
I'm wonder trading everyone Phantumps, that way I waste their time with evolution lolololololol
ah that pokemon. lmao i don't get em too often i mostly get route 1-2 zigzagoons and bugs fml
i got a lv. 100 shiny machamp i was like what lol.
Idek if it's the "best" but got a Gen V Bibarel the other day. Oddly enough some either bothered to transport it there or just hacked it (why that though lol).