best way to earn money

Megamannt125 said:
Hub12 said:
jrrj15 said:
Sell non-native fruit. I made 99999 in 15 min.
Lol you can go over to bdubs orchard and make 300k+ off non-native fruit, but he won't let anybody who's not his friend in. MWUAHAHAHAHHA.
Yup thats right. You must be my friend if you want my fruit! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAAH
Fruit Orchards... BEST VERY BEST!! then Turnips are 2nd best..
omg first of all i got rick rolled...
second if you wanna make a quick1,000 get all the sea shells you see on the beach and sell them :D tada, also
hit all the rocks in your town, theres a special rock each day and when you hit it youll see money come out, repeatedly hit it and gather up the money, right there thats 4,300 if you do it right!