best way to grind for igb?

dude what should i write about?
i have no clue

Ahaha I don't know, just find a post you like and pour your heart out! But if you go to the Nook's Cranny forumsub you'll find someone who trades a million igb for like 9 tbt :)
Ahaha I don't know, just find a post you like and pour your heart out! But if you go to the Nook's Cranny forumsub you'll find someone who trades a million igb for like 9 tbt :)
dudeeee thats so cool
okay thank you !! do people post their prices every day or just sundays?
Prices for selling turnips to Nooklings are posted everyday. You can only buy turnips from Daisy Mae on sundays (can’t sell on Sunday). When you buy turnips from Daisy Mae, try to buy for under 100. Then throughout the week, check your nookling shop for turnip prices in both morning and after 12 pm (as it changes twice a day) and look on BellTreeForum turnip price board. If you ever see turnips for 500 or more, sell immediately. Also, sell your turnips on Saturday regardless because you can’t sell them on Sunday and they’ll be spoiled.
I sell my coconuts and pumpkins when they come in to harvest, any fruit that isn't your town fruit sells for more. I also sell sea shells, fish, sea creatures and bugs. OH also, sell any duplicate fossils.

Basically sell everything. I know this is supposed to be the best technique but why would you need a best technique when everything is sellable. Also look out for what Nook's see as hot items which is daily! I get around aprox 100k a day if not more depeding on the fruits and hot items, some are worth more than others.
turnips for sure, but I've always found fishing to make me the most bells, and also selling identified fossils everyday.