i just read through and im not sure i like peoples' attitudes towards bibi. sorry if im causing unnecessary drama or whatever, but wow, y'all got rude. not everyone, of course.
but do people not read when an artist states theyre picking ones they like? the more you try to throw money at her, the more you stress her out, in case that wasnt painfully obvious.
and then you guys had the gall to bug her for a slot anyway even after she picked? wow. wow???? she said she was stressed out and yet you were all like ferocious wolves on her ass.
i completely understand why she doesnt want to open slots again. the behavior during this was mortifying (again, not everyone). dont ****ing whine if you dont get a slot. its okay to be disappointed, but once you start COMPLAINING and BEGGING, it gets bad. this is essentially free art. youre paying her virtual money. she doesnt have to work for this. she did her best to reply to everyone, and she was still treated pretty poorly. such a shame.
im sorry bibi, i felt the need to say something because i was watching you crumble under pressure with no valve to release the pressure, especially with those who were incessantly persistant. if i get in trouble for this, oh well. some things need to be said.