Ace Marvel
Merry & Happy
shh keep your moneys go bid in those auctions going around (unless you are talking actual cash LMFAO)
Ofc i'm talking of IRL cash, right now I cant but I will save money, so I will be able to commission from you!!!!
shh keep your moneys go bid in those auctions going around (unless you are talking actual cash LMFAO)
it goes
so well with your user title too oh my god
omg iOfc i'm talking of IRL cash, right now I cant but I will save money, so I will be able to commission from you!!!!
I feel a bit humiliated.
omg i
SQUEEZES YOU thank you ;___; i really appreciate that hhghgnfsdf lays on floor and rolls eveyrwhere
okokokko u can take it off now i took a screenshot this will never leave my memories
ah. okay. i'll maybe go drown myself.
NOOOooo dont do that i'll change my icon to humiliate myself too if u want me to
it's fine. this just really isn't my day.
skldfh wehHHH did I go over board-- im sry ;-;
probably not. I can't tell the difference. I went from manic to depressive in a matter of minutes. I bottomed out.
aaah-- i'll stop. Should I leave you alone or would you wanna talk on skype .. ?
OMG HAI BIBI XD xD (sorry been following you on da for awhilethought your art looked familiar~)
Anyways looks amazing~ keep up the good work haha
LOL just noticed~ you're in DaydreamChronicles too?![]()
wow this was really unexpected LOL--
YEAH I'm in dc too! were you a part of it?
haha soz xD i haven't been on the internet for a loooonnnnnnnnggggggggg while x) Too much work OTL
but yeah~ i was DreamsSparksHope (now have a new account)with Amelia xD when i came back tis was on a hiatus o3o'' awkies
hope things are ok with azu~ x)lol, yeah thats what azu/the founder of the group was busy with too, which is why it's on hiatus. to be honest i dont see it coming back any time soon. I don't talk with her much anymore though, so I'm not too sure. : /
hope things are ok with azu~ x)
are you gonna be open soon? c:
not anytime soon, i'm afraid.