Biggest Annoyance of Summer?


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
For me, Musquitos. Bugs + Bug Bites = Itchiness and me not wanting to go out to the back yard because there are so dang many.
Dandelion legs, or whatever you call them. They're creepy. EehjEJEhejhejHEHehjh.

They give me the hiiiby-jeebies.
All the ladies that are always all over me.

On a more serious note, it's not being able to find a sport to play after Baseball is over.
Nothing, summer is perfect. : D

and its not because there's no school, we're not in 4th grade anymore, we like school. >_>

Summer is just awsome, there's a ton more to do than there is in fall... you can do a million things outside without wearing 30 lbs of clothing... unless you live in florida, the guys down there must not like the end of summer because they all end up without houses. >_>

but around here nothing happens, so its awsome. : D

i guess bug bites are a little annoying... but they're really not that bad, i mean, they leave in a couple days, nothing big.
my parents signed me up for Community knitting class...27 hours of my life wasted..
Biggest annoyance- SUNSCREEN! :angry:

My mom is like "You need sunscreen!" She made me wear it to the pool, when our class went...... it was raining....


Which is why I don't go out much in the summer.

Triforce3force said:
Biggest annoyance- SUNSCREEN! :angry:

My mom is like "You need sunscreen!" She made me wear it to the pool, when our class went...... it was raining....


Which is why I don't go out much in the summer.

Well, you could not wear it, get sunburned severly and in 20 years get skin cancer. Won't that be fun?


Anyways, I mostly agree with Fish. Summer is great, you pretty much get to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. No agendas, no anything like that. Heck, I sleep until noon if I want.
Kolvo said:
For me, Musquitos. Bugs + Bug Bites = Itchiness and me not wanting to go out to the back yard because there are so dang many.
Excacly for me too!