Birthday Thread

Happy belated birthday, Gandalf!

And happy birthday, puppy and Royalty!
Happy butterday Pally, kids grow up so fast nowadays. One minute they're 18 and becoming a nurse and the next they're 60 and you're dead in the backyard
Alfred deserves some birthday love

...but someone else can give it to him :D
Happy Birthday Meggles and michan :>

Edit: and as of 27th october happy birthdya jake and deer. :>
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Something something Harry

Something something something VillageDweller something something.

Something something was Kayla's thread something.

harry birthday, vd

beat you to it again horus get bent
harry birthday, vd

beat you to it again horus get bent

Something something Harry

Something something something VillageDweller something something.

Something something was Kayla's thread something.


Happy Hbirthday Harry. c: Hope Hyou Hget Hamazing Hpresents Hand Hshare Hthem Hall Hwith Hme. HI Hwill Haccept Hall Hcash Hpresents. Hthank Hyou.
that ain't a birthday wish though so my post still stands
I just wanted to be first on this thread you vultures

Besides, I don't think you guys can understand the mystic language of the something tribe.
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