Blast from the past : Animal Crossing e-Reader cards with MIA characters


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Apr 28, 2013
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Josh from the has posted a video today in which he is unboxing a load of Animal Crossing e-Reader cards for GameCube, something that was only released in Japan. I guess they worked like nowadays amiibos. What's interesting in the video is we see him unboxing all those MIA characters that haven't been seen since the GameCube days.

I'm especially fond of seeing him unboxing Olive at 15:45.My heart skipped a beat ! Man that is my long lost dreamie. Olive who repeatedly called me "sweet pea" and lived in my town, constructed igloos during winters and made hot soup. I wish Nintendo brought her back !

Capture d’écran 2015-01-16 à 22.49.26.jpg
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That was really neat! I knew the e-reader cards existed, but I didn't realize how many there were or that they were such a collectible. :eek: I had Olive in my town as well! I was hoping to see Liz, as she was my favourite villager from AC:GN.
LaBelleFleur (do you speak French BTW ?) I'm glad to see someone else had Olive in his/her town. *Sigh* Those were the good times !
My dear Olive ;_;

Honestly, I hope the Wii U game is packed with MIA villagers, or make them exclusive to amiibo, either as figures or cards.
I have some they were released here because I used to buy them at Kmart XD
But if you'd slide it through the e-reader you'd get a special gift from the animal on the card, or special patterns and whatnot they were great and I wanted them all.

*By here I mean USA

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